speedometer lighting

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Ingars, Oct 16, 2006.

  1. Ingars

    Ingars Guest


    i drive a 262, which panel-wise is just like any 200 series volvo. the
    problem at hand is speedometer lighting (i mean the light to lets you
    see what's on in the dark; the warning lights all work). it went off
    and no fuses are bad and everything else on the panel (except for the
    clock) still lights. the only thing that comes to mind is that the bulb
    may be wrong. first of all, is there a small bulb which lights the
    speedometer and which can go wrong? if yes, how can it be accessed the
    easy way? i have been doing some work behind the panel (wipers) and it
    was really messy, still i couldn't figure out how to remove the
    speedometer after having released the two screws just above the driving
    if no, there is no bulb, what might be wrong (given that clock lighting
    doesn't work as well)? well, at least where should i test the
    electrical current to locate the problem. im not with an aptitude for
    electricity, so im not sure if the latter question is approriate.
    still, any advice is welcome.

    Ingars, Oct 16, 2006
  2. Ingars

    Mike F Guest

    What model year? First try connecting all the wires on the dimmer
    rheostat together.
    Up to 1980 there are 3 bulbs clipped to the underside of the dash, the
    cluster has to come out to access them. After removing the 2 screws
    you're talking about, disconnect the speedo cable, then pull the whole
    cluster out. There's spring clips, so it needs a good tug.

    Mike F.
    Thornhill (near Toronto), Ont.

    Replace tt with t (twice!) and remove parentheses to email me directly.
    (But I check the newsgroup more often than this email address.)
    Mike F, Oct 18, 2006
  3. Ingars

    Mr. V Guest

  4. Ingars

    Ingars Guest

    it's a '78 model

    First try connecting all the wires on the dimmer
    while blind touching behind the cluster to see where should it be
    released. i accidentaly came across these bulbs. they're broken.
    nevertheless, im quite sure i will not be able to put them back without
    removing the cluster since i don't know where they fit in.

    After removing the 2 screws
    sorry, if its a stupid question but its the first time i try to remove
    the speedo - is the speedo cable the one which is right behind the
    actual speedometer? is there only one cable in total to remove before
    pulling out the cluster?

    , then pull the whole
    where exactly are those clips located? on the sides of the cluster? on
    the top? should i try to release them and only then take the speedo
    out? should i rather push the speedo from behind or should i pull it?

    greatest thanks to every tip,


    Ingars, Oct 21, 2006
  5. Ingars

    James Sweet Guest

    Some of the speedos have two cables, I'm not sure if ones that old do
    but in the early 80s at least there was a separate little (worthless)
    box which would turn the Lambda light on every so many miles to remind
    you to inspect the emission control system. If this is present you can
    yank it and throw it away, it puts more load on the odometer gearing and
    can strip it out. Otherwise there's one big mechanical drive cable for
    the speedo.
    James Sweet, Oct 22, 2006
  6. Ingars

    Mike F Guest

    The speedo cable is located dead center on the actual speedometer.
    There are a bunch of wires too, but they have some slack and can be
    disconnected after the cluster is moved forward.

    The spring clips are on the top, there's no way to release them, just
    pull. You may find it easier to push on the back of the cluster

    Mike F.
    Thornhill (near Toronto), Ont.

    Replace tt with t (twice!) and remove parentheses to email me directly.
    (But I check the newsgroup more often than this email address.)
    Mike F, Oct 23, 2006
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