SRS LIGHT help ...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by eeofg, Jul 4, 2004.

  1. eeofg

    eeofg Guest

    Hi all,

    I have an 850 GLT, 3 weeks ago the SRS light switched on, went to the
    Volvo service, they checked something and the light went off;
    1 week later the light switched on again, Volvo service changed
    something on the passenger seat

    today AGAIN the light is on!!!

    anybody had similar problems?

    Thank you

    Fabio (Italy)
    eeofg, Jul 4, 2004
  2. eeofg

    Rod Gray Guest

    Sounds like the contact reel in the steering wheel. It is wound like a watch
    spring. It really is nothing you want to do your self. The air bag is
    deployed by igniting solid rocket fuel. I worked for Volvo and BMW and if
    you have a safety problem thay will send a factroy service rep to the
    dealership to trouble shoot the problem. If they won't contact Volvo do it
    yourself. Or find another dealership.
    Rod Gray, Jul 6, 2004
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