Steam in exhaust '93 940T

Discussion in 'Volvo 940' started by Felix Ideo, Aug 25, 2003.

  1. Felix Ideo

    Felix Ideo Guest

    I have about 80k on a rebuilt B230FT engine (rebuilt by Volvo) in my 940T
    wagon. It¹s been running great. Suddenly, I lost power, engine temp. went
    way up and I began blowing huge clouds of steam out the exhaust, definitely
    not smoke.

    A couple of uneducated guesses:

    -blown head gasket
    -blown turbo

    There doesn¹t appear to be water in the engine oil or vise versa. No leaks
    in hoses.

    What¹s causing this? Any guidance on possible causes would be greatly

    Felix Ideo, Aug 25, 2003
  2. Steam in exhaust '93 940TI'd bet money on the blown head gasket as well.
    Has the coolant level decreased?

    I have about 80k on a rebuilt B230FT engine (rebuilt by Volvo) in my 940T
    wagon. It's been running great. Suddenly, I lost power, engine temp. went
    way up and I began blowing huge clouds of steam out the exhaust, definitely
    not smoke.

    A couple of uneducated guesses:

    -blown head gasket
    -blown turbo

    There doesn't appear to be water in the engine oil or vise versa. No leaks
    in hoses.

    What's causing this? Any guidance on possible causes would be greatly

    Anthony Flint, Aug 25, 2003
  3. Felix Ideo

    G Margrie Guest

    Steam in exhaust '93 940TSorry mate it does sound like the head gasket :(
    I have about 80k on a rebuilt B230FT engine (rebuilt by Volvo) in my 940T wagon. It's been running great. Suddenly, I lost power, engine temp. went way up and I began blowing huge clouds of steam out the exhaust, definitely not smoke.

    A couple of uneducated guesses:

    -blown head gasket
    -blown turbo

    There doesn't appear to be water in the engine oil or vise versa. No leaks in hoses.

    What's causing this? Any guidance on possible causes would be greatly appreciated.

    G Margrie, Aug 25, 2003
  4. Felix Ideo

    Felix Ideo Guest

    Yes, coolant level went down. TONS of steam out the exhaust.

    Felix Ideo, Aug 26, 2003
  5. Felix Ideo

    Aleric Guest

    Steam in exhaust '93 940T
    I have to concur. It's either the gasket, or even worse, a cracked head. Hope it's only the gasket. Very sorry.

    Sorry mate it does sound like the head gasket :(
    Aleric, Aug 26, 2003
  6. Steam in exhaust '93 940TSounds like a blown head gasket. Don't drive it if possible. The water may be partially removed by the heat of the engine and not be condensed in the oil. Wait until cold weather, and that could change. You don't want to warp the head though by cooking the engine. Remember, aluminum doesn't take a lot heat very well...
    I have about 80k on a rebuilt B230FT engine (rebuilt by Volvo) in my 940T wagon. It's been running great. Suddenly, I lost power, engine temp. went way up and I began blowing huge clouds of steam out the exhaust, definitely not smoke.

    A couple of uneducated guesses:

    -blown head gasket
    -blown turbo

    There doesn't appear to be water in the engine oil or vise versa. No leaks in hoses.

    What's causing this? Any guidance on possible causes would be greatly appreciated.

    Jeff Lesperance, Aug 26, 2003
  7. Felix Ideo

    James Sweet Guest

    Blown head gasket for sure.
    James Sweet, Aug 26, 2003
  8. Felix Ideo

    James Sweet Guest

    That's highly unlikely, there aren't any coolant seals, just oil seals. The
    coolant is in a jacket surrounding the oil cooled center housing.
    James Sweet, Aug 26, 2003
  9. Felix Ideo

    Felix Ideo Guest

    A big thanks to all who helped me diagnose this problem!! I'll now get to
    work replacing the head gasket and hope there was no serious damage done
    from the overheating.

    Felix Ideo, Aug 27, 2003
  10. Felix Ideo

    G Margrie Guest

    good luck mate let us know how you get on :)
    G Margrie, Aug 27, 2003
  11. Felix Ideo

    Felix Ideo Guest

    Well, the head came off. I didn't see any problem with the head gasket but
    when I showed it to the machine shop tech he saw the flaw right away. A
    very small spot around the cylinder ring on the gasket had given way. This
    was the #1 cylinder and the top of the piston had been washed clean by the
    incoming water.

    You guys nailed it!

    Many thanks again,
    Felix Ideo, Sep 5, 2003
  12. Felix Ideo

    James Sweet Guest

    It's amazing how clean that'll get it, I bet if you look at the cylinder
    wall and the combustion chamber on the head they'll all be squeaky clean.
    James Sweet, Sep 6, 2003
  13. Felix Ideo

    Felix Ideo Guest

    Yep, looks like new. Washed clean by the water.

    Head has been resurfaced and is now back on the block. Will fire it up
    tomorrow and hope for the best.

    Thanks again.

    Felix Ideo, Sep 8, 2003
  14. Felix Ideo

    Felix Ideo Guest

    Head is on and she runs like new! Took awhile to blow out all the water
    accumulated in the engine and exhaust (tons of white vapor) but after that
    the engine just purrs along. Lucky there was no (or minimal) engine damage.

    Thanks again to all who helped with this diagnosis.

    Felix Ideo, Sep 9, 2003
  15. Felix Ideo

    G Margrie Guest

    another happy ending.
    glad you got it sorted
    G Margrie, Sep 9, 2003
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