Strange Smell inside Car! Is it a mechanical Problem?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Spinstorm, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. Spinstorm

    Spinstorm Guest

    For the last few days I have noticed a strong strawberry smell inside
    my car - it seems to be most noticiable when I have left it alone over
    night or for an hour and its been standing still.

    I have not had anything that would smell like that in the car so I am
    at a loss as to what it could be! I am concerned its a smell from a
    mechanical part of the car!? what could it be?

    I read that a egg smell is a faulty catalytic converter? I don't know
    if I have one in my car and it smells like strawberry to me but I just
    wanted to know if anyone had any ideas what it could be- assuming its
    more serious than something smelly in my car!

    it does not seem to blow out of the air con as when it is on I can't
    smell anything - it only seems to be there if I have no air movement
    in the car!

    But there is NOTHING in the car to make any smell - so it must be
    coming from the car? but what could possibly make a smell like that
    inside the car but not get worse with the air con/heater on? I cannot
    smell anything when outside the car as well and the smell seems to be
    coming from the drivers side where I sit at the front - but there is
    nothing there that could smell! (of course it may be coming from
    somewhere else in the car but I can't really be sure as when I open
    the door the smell disapears!
    Spinstorm, Mar 8, 2007
  2. Could it be a smell of ketones? I've noticed it in several company trucks
    I've had, always on significant hill climbs at high speed. Even my current
    diesel truck treats me to the smell sometimes. Darned if I can figure out
    where it comes from.

    Michael Pardee, Mar 8, 2007
  3. Spinstorm

    Spinstorm Guest

    If you mean is it the smell of fuel inside my car? then it is not

    I can only smell it if the car is left for at least half an hour with
    the door closed while I am away and then
    it seems to go almost immediately.

    It is most noticiable like I said when I park my car overnight - its a
    strong smell but as I said it does
    not get worse when driving in anyway - although the smell does come
    back if I have the doors closed and no air con
    on but I suppose that is the same situation as leaving the car
    standing overnight!

    The most likely cause as far as I can think is something that smells
    in the car or on the car mats - but as I said
    I have cleaned the car out I can't smell anything from anywhere!
    Spinstorm, Mar 8, 2007
  4. Spinstorm

    Roadie Guest

    I associate strawberries with a sweetish smell, and that could mean
    coolant leaking from a heater core.
    Roadie, Mar 8, 2007
  5. Spinstorm

    Spinstorm Guest

    Wouldnt that be something I would smell more when I turn the heater

    Because its freezing cold and the heater has not smelled any worse!

    However, if it is what you suggest what does that mean will happen?
    The heater won't work when the coolant is out?
    Spinstorm, Mar 8, 2007
  6. Spinstorm

    Roadie Guest

    Coolant circulates from the engine through the heater core inside the
    dashboard and back to the engine again, so if the heater runs out of
    coolant the engine is out too. It doesn't take much of a leak to
    create the unmistakbly sweet smell of coolant. You might want to have
    a reliable mechanic check out the source of the smell. It may be
    something as simple as an old strawberry under the floormat...and it
    might be someting a little more serious too.
    Roadie, Mar 8, 2007
  7. Spinstorm

    Spinstorm Guest

    So whats the worst case scenario if it is that?

    what would happen if it runs out while im driving?

    and like I said before if its a smell coming from the engine and
    cycling around then
    surely it should be noticable when driving as it will be moving around
    and not when stationary?
    Spinstorm, Mar 8, 2007
  8. Spinstorm

    Roadie Guest

    In my experience IF the core is leaking it will gradually get worse.
    It doesn't take much coolant for you to be able to notice it. I would
    have a mechanic take a look and verify whether you have a problem or

    In my experience it will not all suddenly run out. But you should
    check the coolant level regularly.
    Roadie, Mar 8, 2007
  9. Spinstorm

    Spinstorm Guest

    I checked the engine coolant level and its at the maximum line
    (assuming that is what you meant when you said the coolant)

    so it does not appear to be leaking based on its level not going down
    at all! also the smell seems to be less noticiable today,
    common sense would lead me to think that maybe there was something
    that smelt bad on the floor or on my shoe and that
    when I cleaned my car out the otherday whatever it was that smelled
    bad was taken out and any remaining smell is just the
    lingering stale air and will pass with time!

    But that would be foolish to assume that when it could be far worse!
    better to assume the worst than best!
    Spinstorm, Mar 8, 2007
  10. Spinstorm

    Spinstorm Guest

    I located what I believe is the cause of the smell - the rear
    passenger footwell is soaked on both sides!

    It was under the mats I have so I didn't notice until I lifted them

    Is there anything in that area that could leak through and drench the
    footwells pre-installed carpet on both
    sides? Or do I have a door leak somewhere which is letting lots of
    rain water into my car?

    I mean its really wet down there - we are talking wet enough to mop it
    up! What could it be?

    I would guess thats not coolant as you mentioned before now?
    Spinstorm, Mar 8, 2007
  11. Spinstorm

    Roadie Guest

    Probably not given the location. The odor may be mildew. Assuming
    this is not an old car with a rotted floor the water is coming in
    through a door or sunroof seal, or possible from a window being left
    Roadie, Mar 8, 2007
  12. Not coolant... is the trunk dry? That's a common leak area.

    Michael Pardee, Mar 9, 2007
  13. Spinstorm

    Spinstorm Guest

    Actually now you mention the trunk - I had a big accident before
    Christmas, badly damaged my rear bodywork - I had
    it repaired but for 3 weeks I could not close my boot all the way! I
    suppose the water could have been collecting since then
    and the dampness smell has taken a while to get bad enough for me to

    The car has done 156,000 miles but its a 98 S40 so it shouldn't be
    rotting anywhere yet! I take it there are no pipes
    containing any liquids that could leak out in that area and go through
    the car floor?

    IF its water from outside then I can live with that - my main concern
    was that something mechanical was damaged and
    chemicals or something were leaking out - I guess we have ruled that
    out now?

    Thanks for everyones input so far!
    Spinstorm, Mar 9, 2007
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