stupid question thermostat direction

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John Robertson, Apr 14, 2005.

  1. please tell me which way the thermostat goes in ,is it with the spring tail
    to the block or the head opening side to the block .Which way does the
    water flow out of the block or into the block at the thermostat? .I have a
    187 and a 192 degree thermostat and had so much bothers with the bolts
    seizing up I forgot which way it was originally .TOLD YOU IT WAS A STUPID
    QUESTION and I do feel stupid .
    John Robertson, Apr 14, 2005
  2. John Robertson

    Mike F Guest

    Not as stupid as putting it in the wrong way. Think of it this way:
    The thermostat tries to keep the engine temperature constant. So the
    sensing part of the thermostat has to be toward the engine. Coolant
    then has to flow out of the engine there, or the cool coolant passing
    over the thermostat will cause it to close immediately. The temperature
    sensing side of the thermostat is the one with the wax pellet and
    spring. Also, your thermostat may have a small hole with a "jiggle pin"
    - turn the thermostat so that's at the high point, this is to help burp
    the air out of the system.

    Mike F.
    Thornhill (near Toronto), Ont.

    Replace tt with t (twice!) and remove parentheses to email me directly.
    (But I check the newsgroup more often than this email address.)
    Mike F, Apr 14, 2005
  3. Just found the answer in the IPD catalogue and yes got it round the wrong
    way didn't I ?So much for the grey hair ,what a smuck ?
    John Robertson, Apr 14, 2005
  4. i just guessed (instead of stopping and "asking") one
    day and almost "toasted" my, its not such
    a stupid question......
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Apr 14, 2005
  5. BTW the thermostat that was in the car originally was too hot 92 deg where
    as the correct one for the 1990 740 turbo is 87 Deg .I wonder how much
    difference the 92 deg vs the 87 deg affects the sensors and other critical
    settings .
    John Robertson, Apr 15, 2005
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