transmission grease

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by zencraps, Jun 11, 2006.

  1. zencraps

    zencraps Guest

    I am swapping out M-46 manual transmissions in an '85 245.

    Question: What grease to use on shift fork, shaft spines and bearing

    Bentley bible suggests heat resistant: I have used Permatex White
    Lithium grease before to seeming good effect, but wonder if wheel
    bearing grease would be better?
    zencraps, Jun 11, 2006
  2. zencraps

    klh Guest

    Does the 'new' transmission come with the bell housing intact?
    For example, if the transmission were coming from a diesel and going to
    a gas engine, the bell housing would have to be changed.

    I hope you are not changing the bell housing but if you are, careful
    and tedious attention to detail of fine print somewhere in the shop docs.

    IF the bell housing is replaced, there is a procedure to set shims for
    the nose piece from the transmission and bell housing. if this is not
    done properly, in some thousands of miles, the extra play of the nose
    piece will eat out a conical section of the inside front of the
    transmission case and it makes a terrible swift sound on starting forward.

    trust me. been there. done that. ain't fun. and the solution to
    prevention is definitely a trivia question to separate the truly
    experienced master mechanics and i don't fit in that category but i did
    learn that bit of trivia (with an 85 745).
    klh, Jun 11, 2006
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