Troublesome 1992 240GL - 4Cyl fuel Inj B230F

Discussion in 'Volvo 240' started by bob, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. bob

    bob Guest

    Have had problems with engine for sometime. Have spent thousands with
    multiple so called experts, still not right.
    Car runs OK then struggles and finaly dies. Turn off ignition, remove
    key. Reinsert, turn key and then starts immediately. Happens every
    couple of days. Bad at low revs but recently had problems at 2500rpm.
    Issue is now dangerous on Freeways.
    Suspect wiring harness fault, or relay.
    Earlier problem was, start immediately when cold then die. Had to rev
    for several minutes (presumably to reach temperature), then OK.
    Any one had a similar history? Found the fault?
    bob, Jul 21, 2004
  2. bob

    Douglas Guest

    I would almost suspect a clogged fuel filter or some kind of fuel pump
    problem. I had a car that did this once, and eventually I unplugged the
    fuel pump and somebody had jammed aluminum foil down in the connector in
    an attempt to mickey-mouse a broken plug. I soldered a wire down in the
    socket and it worked fine thereafter.

    Fuel filters are cheap anyways, never hurts to try that one first, just be
    careful. I haven't changed the one in my 240 yet but if its the big metal
    one with metal lines, be real careful and use appropriate line wrenches.
    Busting a metal fuel line turns a little job into a major problem.

    And finally, swap in a fuel pump relay and check the fuse for it. Maybe
    the one you have is getting hot or something and cutting out
    intermittently after a while.

    Thats all I can think of. I'd wager that its some kind of fuel delivery
    problem for sure from the sound of it.
    Douglas, Jul 22, 2004
  3. bob

    bob Guest

    Thanks for your help. I must admit that fuel pump has not been
    concentrated on. Although there has been numerous fuel pressure checks.
    bob, Jul 23, 2004
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