UPDATE: '93 240 failed emmisions test in Ontario

Discussion in 'Volvo 240' started by NoOne, Jul 6, 2007.

  1. NoOne

    NoOne Guest

    I passed !!! :)

    Thanks to James Sweet for suggesting to use the product to clean
    valves & injectors.

    OK, now the facts:

    In first test,HC was at 83 (linit is 66), CO was at 0.40 (limit is
    0.37) and NO was at 903 (limit is 505).

    In today's test I got 66 for HC ( a 20.4% reduction from last test),
    CO at 0.23 (a 42.5% reduction) and NO at 451 (a 50% reduction).

    As you can see, my HC is at 66 and the limit is 66!!! So what do you
    suggest? I'm OK for now, but if HC increases by just one, I'll fail
    the test in two years.

    Should I get the technician at the Volvo dealer to manually clean
    valves & injectors or should I just give it another treatment or two?

    Btw, I gave it two treatments. First one was for injectors only. The
    improvement was marginal, ~ 5-10%. But the second treatment was for
    the valves. injectors, etc. That made a h*ll of a difference. The
    car drives 100% better. Accelerration is unbelievable.


    Btw, I used the Canadian Tire brand of cleaners.
    NoOne, Jul 6, 2007
  2. Apparently driving for half an hour or so before the test is useful for
    lowering HCs. A tidbit gleaned from this forum a few years ago and not
    mentioned much anymore...
    Michael Pardee, Jul 6, 2007
  3. NoOne

    Perry Noid Guest

    I must have missed your earlier posting... what was the product he
    suggested? I've been using Seafoam, a little in the gas every so often and
    sometimes a little squirted into the intake manifold so it hits the
    Perry Noid, Jul 6, 2007
  4. How could I forget - an oil change is also supposed to help HCs.
    Michael Pardee, Jul 6, 2007
  5. NoOne

    NoOne Guest

    After failing the first test, I went on the highway and drove 100 KM
    at spped between 100KM/h and 140KM/h then went directly to take a
    second test. All readings were slightly higher than the first test
    taken a few hours earlier that day.

    I did change the oil at end of April. Mobil 1.
    NoOne, Jul 6, 2007
  6. NoOne

    NoOne Guest

    James mentionned using Techron. I simply went to Canadian Tire.
    Looked at all the various brands of products and then decided to buy
    the Canadian Tire brand since it was on sale 40% off. I figured that
    CT is not doing the stuff, another company is doing it for CT. Since
    there is no way to be sure that another brand is better than CT, I
    went with CT.

    The one that did work for me sells around $13 (regular price). It is
    pink liquid in a transparent plastic bottle. I'll check it out this
    week end and will post back the name of the one I used.
    NoOne, Jul 6, 2007
  7. NoOne

    NoOne Guest

    NoOne, Jul 9, 2007
  8. NoOne

    NoOne Guest

    Having some problems with the link. So go to www.canadiantire.ca and
    enter "ultra fuel system treatment" on front page in the search box
    and press enter :)
    NoOne, Jul 9, 2007
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