V-belt problem on '95 940

Discussion in 'Volvo 940' started by Aleric, Nov 14, 2003.

  1. Aleric

    Aleric Guest

    I have on-going issue with my alternator belt loosening over time and
    eventually breaking. Yesterday, it broke for the fourth or fifth time, and
    resulted in a tow home. I don't know what I'm doing wrong installing them.
    Seems straightforward enough and the belts seem okay a first for a few
    months, but they eventually loosen, start squealing, and finally break. I
    never seen this happen on any of my other vehicles. I first noticed this
    problem when I first bought the car two years ago. The belt was loose and
    flopping around when at idle. I had the owner tighten it before I bought it
    and drove it home. That was a *several* belts ago!

    I must be missing something.

    Anyone have some insight to this?
    Aleric, Nov 14, 2003
  2. check the bushings...the unit may be "out of
    alignment" w/the other pully...causing friction...
    ~^ beancounter ~^, Nov 14, 2003
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