V70 2,5T -99 engine warning light (in sweden)

Discussion in 'Volvo V70' started by Tobias Johansson, Dec 9, 2003.

  1. Hi,

    There is a warning lit on the dashboard. The manual says something like
    "there is something wrong with the engine electronics. the car probably
    releases exhaust gas over the limits. go to the nearast volvo garage."

    However, I have been at the garage and they can not find any problem with
    the car.

    Does anyone have any idea what this is?

    Tobbe Gårdner
    Tobias Johansson, Dec 9, 2003
  2. [Tobias Johansson] (Tue, 9 Dec 2003 07:32:46 +0100):
    Go to a real garage and get the computer readout from the onboard
    computer, that will show excactly what is wrong :)
    Svein Tore Sølvik, Dec 9, 2003
  3. Tobias Johansson

    Patrik Guest

    Jag har för mig man kan plocka av minuspolen på batteriet 3-5 minuter
    så släcks check engine (Ta reda på din Radio Code först :). Men om
    den tänds igen så bör du nog kontakta en Volvoverkad.
    Ja tror den släcker sig själv också efter en tid.
    Kolla att tanklocket inte är löst, det kan tända check engine
    Patrik, Dec 9, 2003
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