Volvo 240 DL Brakes Problem - any ideas?

Discussion in 'Volvo 240' started by Master Volume, Sep 22, 2003.

  1. For the past few days my brakes have been screeching a wee bit,
    nothing insane, just a little bit. Today as I was driving home, my
    Brake Failure light went on and the brake itself kind of sunk almost
    all the way down if I'd put pressure on it. I was pretty worried even
    though I could still slow the car if needed and it looked like I'd get
    home OK, although cautiously. Then about a block away from my house, I
    think I went over a bump or something and the Brake Failure light went
    off and the brake itself was back to normal, not going down so far
    when I put pressure on it. Any ideas what this problem could be?

    Master Volume, Sep 22, 2003
  2. Master Volume

    Mike F Guest

    Time for a new master cylinder.
    Mike F, Sep 22, 2003
  3. Master Volume

    Steve W. Guest

    Could also be the vacuum line to the master cylinder is loose/bad.
    Also check your brake pads, they sound a little rough.
    Steve W., Jan 27, 2004
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