Volvo 850 resale value

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by JohnM, Jul 28, 2006.

  1. JohnM

    JohnM Guest

    I have recently updated my wife's Volvo to a second hand V70 and as it
    was a private purchase I am now left with a 1993 850GLE which I have
    been trying to sell for nearly 4 months.
    I've advertised for 6 weeks in the car section of the newspaper, 4
    weeks in Autotrader, 6 weeks in the Quokka (local trading paper) and
    on the web.
    Its not that people don't like what they see, its that only 3 people
    have called and the one that turned up said she was really after a 740.
    I started at $7200 and am now down to $4,990 which I thought would be
    cheap. Does anyone have any info on where to advertise and how much is
    a fair price for this type of vehicle?
    JohnM, Jul 28, 2006
  2. AUD$5,000 isn't cheap; AUD$4,000 is cheap. You might get more interest
    after Christmas, when the worried parents buy 'legendary Volvo safety'
    for their off-to-university children. Unfortunately 'legendary Volvo
    fuel economy' doesn't exist, and it's fuel that is driving the market at
    the moment.
    Andrew McKenna, Jul 28, 2006
  3. JohnM

    mjc Guest

    Another issue is that people who know Volvos will shy away from a '93
    or even a '94 850 because of automatic transmission problems (if yours
    is an automatic) that resulted in a very high failure rate in '93, and
    early hydraulic lifter failure in the '93 and some '94 model year cars.
    mjc, Jul 28, 2006
  4. JohnM

    Henry Guest

    Is there any sort of equivalent in Oz for the Kelly Blue Book?

    If not, the KBB

    will give you an estimated value for a used car -- but it only works for
    the US. You have to specify a location because the algorithm takes
    geo-climatic factors into account. However, there's no reason why you
    couldn't find a place in America that approximately matches the
    conditions of your locale -- wet / dry, flat / mountainous, heavy
    traffic city / empty road countryside, etc. -- and put that into the
    on-line form. The rest is quite general: how many miles / kilometres on
    the odometre; overall condition; even the colour [ ! ! ! ].

    With a little more research, you could then compare the estimated used
    value with the price of the car when it was new and apply that same
    percentage to what the new price was in Oz back in '93. Et voila...


    Henry, Jul 28, 2006
  5. JohnM

    zencraps Guest

    Post an ad with photos on for maximum, free exposure.

    It's phenomenal.
    zencraps, Jul 28, 2006
    which gives AUD 4,100 - AUD 6,300
    Andrew McKenna, Jul 28, 2006
  7. JohnM

    Robert Guest

    Personally I like or eBay Motors.

    I've sold four cars through them and gotten equal to or more than what
    I wanted for them...while was above Kelley Blue Book on all.
    Robert, Jul 31, 2006
  8. JohnM

    Dano Guest

    I have always done my buying research on - go the true
    market value section to get an idea of the range for your car would be
    in the US. Looks like best case would be around $3000 USD. I bought
    my daughter a 1995 850 last year with 43k miles in nearly perfect
    condition for $4700 USD.
    Dano, Jul 31, 2006
  9. JohnM

    Dano Guest

    I have always done my buying research on - go the true
    market value section to get an idea of the range for your car would be
    in the US. Looks like best case would be around $3000 USD. I bought
    my daughter a 1995 850 last year with 43k miles in nearly perfect
    condition for $4700 USD.
    Dano, Jul 31, 2006
  10. JohnM

    John Horner Guest

    You are seriously delusional about your asking price.

    I recently did the research and sold our '96 850 in excellent condition
    for $3750 to a friend. I would be surprised if any '93 850 had a value
    over $2500.

    You can check or to get some numbers.

    Also look at completed auctions.

    John Horner, Jul 31, 2006
  11. JohnM

    Henry Guest

    You are seriously oblivious for not noticing that the OP is in
    Australia. His $4,990 is about ¤3000, which is _far_ from 'delusional'.


    Henry, Aug 1, 2006
  12. Mr Horner's USD 2,500 is AUD 3,300 (roughly), which reflects the usually
    cheaper US market. What a used Volvo might attract in Europe or the USA
    is no indicator of its value in Australia.
    Andrew McKenna, Aug 1, 2006
  13. JohnM

    JohnM Guest

    Thanks for all the input. I will try a few of the recommendations
    including (yet another) price reduction.
    JohnM, Aug 7, 2006
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