Volvo Class Action Suit

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by PERRY BROWN, Jul 15, 2005.



    I was in California last month and learned of a class action law suit
    against Volvo for defective throttle assemblies in the 1999-2001 model year
    S-80s (L.A. Times article). Does anyone know anymore about this? Is this
    suit being filed in any other states. Have any of you had trouble with your
    throttle assemblies.?
    PERRY BROWN, Jul 15, 2005
  2. ----snipped---------from e mail i rcsd from "gang of 70
    group------these folks are managing the neg w/volvo over the defective
    throttle bodies......some url's and e mail contact info.....--------

    Good morning gang of 70 plus,

    One of our members put a poll up on the Volvo XC forum as to how likely
    you are to buy another Volvo based on your experiences and what we have
    found out in the last few months. Click on the link below and vote.

    I have asked permission to post Myron Levin's article on the web but
    as yet have not had a respons.

    Below is another post about the LATimes article. It also mentions that
    the S60 has the same problem, though I have not verified that. One
    comment is, "It's also claimed that the repairs Volvo carried out
    were only designed to last until the expiry (sp?) of the warranty,
    after which owners would have pay for repairs themselves." And

    Volvo press chief, Christer Gustafsson, said, "I'm not aware of the
    problem in Sweden. It it's such a fundamental problem, it should have
    cropped up in other markets."

    When I got my letter back from Susan Campbell, Assistant Manager of
    Customer Care, telling me that they had a good 50,000 mile 4 year
    warranty I picked up her direct line number. I forwarded it to a few of
    the group but now I think you all should have her number. She was
    surprised when a couple of the group called her. As Andy Griffin would
    say, "Surprise, Surprise, Surprise" 70 plus times.

    Susan Campbell

    Assistant Manager Customer Care

    Volvo Customer Care

    7 Volvo Drive

    Rockleigh, NJ 07647

    201 768 7300 X1983

    Remember that while a recall of any type, without a redesign of the
    ETM, is like putting Firestone tires back on Fords. My mantra is:

    VEXED wants the 4 Rs from Volvo. (it was 3)

    Redesign = to incorporate a non contacting throttle
    position sensor

    Replace = ETM that is showing symptoms without
    a lot of hassle. When the new design is ready.

    Recall = all current style ETM and
    replace with the new design

    Reimburse = all costs
    incurred up to this date in trying to fix these ETM

    Don Willson for VEXED

    ~^ beancounter ~^, Jul 15, 2005
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