Volvo Deal

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Matt Nasca, Oct 30, 2006.

  1. Matt Nasca

    Matt Nasca Guest

    I would like to purchase or lease a new Volvo for my wife, however I
    have no idea how to buy a new car. Does anyone really know how to get a
    good deal on a new Volvo? Which Dealership has the best service? Sould
    I put my information on line or just go throught the dealers website?
    Matt Nasca, Oct 30, 2006
  2. Matt Nasca

    Gary Heston Guest

    The lowest cost overall seems to be overseas delivery. Are you in Brazil
    or Chile?

    Gary Heston, Oct 30, 2006
  3. Matt Nasca

    mjc Guest

    If you want a decent deal without a lot of extra work, find a
    dealer with a good reputation. Then look for a car with a really
    homely color scheme - Volvo is famous for their poor taste in
    colors. If they have several of them, and they aren't moving,
    start making offers. Just don't be obnoxious, because you want
    the dealer to service it properly, too. Consider asking which car
    they are most willing to deal on, and make it clear that you will
    check to make sure it isn't a lemon or repaired "new" wreck...
    mjc, Oct 30, 2006
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