volvos group?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Aspac Hareac, Dec 22, 2007.

  1. Aspac Hareac

    Aspac Hareac Guest

    help to deal with volvo uce or spam avail?
    Aspac Hareac, Dec 22, 2007
  2. Aspac Hareac

    Roadie Guest

    Try phrasing your question in whole sentences with puctuation and
    capitalization to increase the chances someone will understand it. I
    have no idea what you are talking about.
    Roadie, Dec 24, 2007
  3. Aspac Hareac

    c.fiedler Guest

    Alas, the modern generation not only writes but THINKS in test message
    format. I despair as I think of the future of this country. I take
    solace in the fact that I cannot live more than maybe 20 more years.

    I wonder how much the government schools are responsible for this
    c.fiedler, Dec 26, 2007
  4. Aspac Hareac

    Roadie Guest

    I doubt that many think in test (or text) message format. Some of us
    are sloppy writers because we use poorly designed tools like IM boxes
    and blackberries to write with.

    Government schools? What for heavens sake is a government school?
    Maybe a technical class offered by the Department iof Agriculture to

    We do have an excellent system of publicly funded schools that provide
    an excellent level of education from kindergarten through post
    graduate work. It is an excellent source of education for those
    willing to take the time to study. Fortunately home schooling remains
    on the margins as a poor substitute.
    Roadie, Dec 27, 2007
  5. Aspac Hareac

    c.fiedler Guest

    I rest my case. The cause of bad spelling, grammar or even logic is
    the fault of some frigging software and could *never* be imbedded in
    the mentality of the backwards-hat-wearing, saggy pants wearing,
    pierced-body writer. NOPE. It's GOT to be somebody else's fault.
    Afterall, the modern generation are ALL winners -- hell, they
    participated, didn't they?

    They have even been so brainwashed that they don't understand that
    government runs the public school system. Hell no, it was Mr. Smith
    who was the principal and Mrs. Jones taught me all I know.

    Roadie, what is it that causes so much opposition to private schooling
    so that ALL our tax dollars go to the *government* for public schools
    and those who choose a different path must pay for TWO schools?
    c.fiedler, Dec 29, 2007
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