What is Volvo Lifetime guarantee

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Ken, Nov 28, 2006.

  1. Ken

    Ken Guest

    I have posted about a hollow noise from the rear end of my S60. The main
    dealers have said problem in exhaust but live with it as otherwise in
    excellent condition and new one is £500. A friend has said when he used to
    own Volvos they had a 'lifetime guarantee on the car/parts and if something
    went within its expected life Volvo would effect a repair but at a lower pro
    rata rate.

    Is this true and does it still apply or did they drop the scheme?

    Ken, Nov 28, 2006
  2. Ken

    Roadie Guest

    I haven't heard of a lifetime warranty on Volvo or any other car. I
    would be very surprised if a car maker would take on such an open ended
    Roadie, Nov 28, 2006
  3. Ken

    Ken Guest

    I haven't heard of a lifetime warranty on Volvo or any other car. I
    would be very surprised if a car maker would take on such an open ended

    It is something like this. Volvo say a part should last for 10 years but
    fails in 5 so only charges half the repair rate but may be half the part
    rate and full labour rate?

    Ken, Nov 28, 2006
  4. Ken

    Roadie Guest

    I have not heard of this kind of warranty.
    Roadie, Nov 28, 2006
  5. Ken

    Ken Guest

    I have not heard of this kind of warranty.

    I'll give the Main Dealer a call tomorrow????

    Ken, Nov 28, 2006
  6. Ken

    Gary Heston Guest

    I think Rolls-Royce had something of the sort many years ago, but have
    never heard of one for a Volvo. If it exists, I'd like to talk to them
    about some things on my '72 145...

    Gary Heston, Nov 29, 2006
  7. Ken

    klh in VA Guest

    At least there was such a lifetime guarantee on exhaust systems during
    the life of my 1985 745! However the catch was that it applied only the
    replacement system, you had to pay for the replacement system and then
    volvo guaranteed the replacements to that, ala midas. if volvo installed
    the first replacement, then successors includor also. in my case, i bout
    the first one and installed it so when it needed replacement, i simply
    exchanged the muffler and pipes and they gave me the new one.

    my 98 v70XC has 95k us miles and exhaust system seems to be ok. i
    suspect if this s60 has an exhaust resonance replacing the exhause will
    only give a new one with a similar sound?

    [us miles because it is a little known factoid that sweden also has
    miles, eg, my swedish ford service booklet has service for 7500 mil
    which actually is 75 000km, i guess it conserves ink by not printing all
    those zeroes in ads and documents?]
    klh in VA, Nov 29, 2006
  8. Ken

    Bill Guest

    It certainly used to apply in the UK in the early 90s. But there were a
    number of catches, including that you had to have proof that the car had
    been serviced by a Volvo main dealer at the specified intervals
    throughout the car's life to date, and (from what I remember) all spares
    used were genuine Volvo parts. Also I think the guarantee covered only
    parts, not labour (which, of course, had to be carried out by a dealer
    not to invalidate the lifetime guarantee). The conditions caused so much
    hassle with Volvo owners who just slightly overran the service interval
    and thus lost the guarantee that in the end Volvo dropped the scheme.

    Bill, Dec 2, 2006
  9. Being as tight as I have been known to drill a small hole where the
    rattle is or in the small hole,then pump it with a reasonable amount of
    silastic which cures the leak or rattle and if done neatly is
    undetectable .But dont run with a leak as carbon monoxide is lethal .
    John Robertson, Dec 5, 2006
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