whistleing 850. UK

Discussion in 'Volvo 850' started by bassdiva, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. bassdiva

    bassdiva Guest

    Hi, I have an L reg 850 auto estate, and recently due to the cost of fuel
    over here I have started to take my foot off the pedal on down hill runs in
    the hope that it gives me just that little bit more to get me to the petrol
    station when the tank gets low. I have noticed a whistling sound coming
    from under the bonnet when I do this, but it stops when I put my foot back
    down a bit.
    So you think this is anything to worry about, or a sign that something is
    leaking or something?
    I do have a problem every now and then with it just cutting out on me, no
    matter whether sprinting up the motorway in the outside lane or halfway
    round a roundabout. No spluttering or warnings just suddenly nothing there,
    could this be connected?
    Best wishes for the coming festive holiday to everyone,
    bassdiva, Dec 20, 2008
  2. bassdiva

    Baz Guest

    Hi Chris,

    I'd be checking the rubber elbow on the inlet manifold at the alternator end
    of the motor. It's part of the crankcase ventilation system. It's quite
    hard to get to, and it perishes and can act as a reed in a trumpet at times.
    In my case it set an engine fault code, forget which one, but to do with
    mixture lean at some speeds. But the noise got progressively worse, until
    it was very loud. Of course it was loudest under max. engine vacuum.

    Try poking the elbow with a long screwdriver or stick with the engine
    running. If that's the trouble, the noise will change.

    Due to the difficulty in getting to the nipple on the manifold, I actually
    got a piece rubber hose and re-ran the line on top of the manifold, to the
    (infamous) flame trap near the throttle body. I'm using fuel line this
    time, as vacuum line seems to go soft and floppy after a couple of years.

    My car is a 1996 10V 850 (Australian model).
    Baz, Dec 23, 2008
  3. bassdiva

    jon5707 Guest

    Run water over the obvious manifold and rubber hoses as most likely its a
    vacuum leak .Of couse if your in Victoria make sure you use recyled water
    jon5707, Dec 24, 2008
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