White Puff of Smoke

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Robert Polk, Oct 16, 2005.

  1. Robert Polk

    Robert Polk Guest

    If the car has been sitting for a couple of days, upon start-up it will
    release a puff of white smoke. Just a puff - the more days it was sitting
    inactive, the bigger the puff. This is 98 turbo . . . I've googled, seems
    like some people think this is just an extra lean start by the computer,
    while others think it's the beginning of the end. Any definitive way to
    know? Thanks.
    Robert Polk, Oct 16, 2005
  2. Robert Polk

    Dick Harder Guest

    Change your oil to CASTROL.
    Mine was doing the same thing, I changed the oil to Castrol 15W40 and the
    problem is gone.
    Dick Harder, Oct 16, 2005
  3. Robert Polk

    Boris Mohar Guest



    Boris Mohar

    Got Knock? - see:
    Viatrack Printed Circuit Designs (among other things) http://www.viatrack.ca

    void _-void-_ in the obvious place
    Boris Mohar, Oct 16, 2005
  4. Robert Polk

    User Guest

    I'm assuming this is a C/S/V70, in which case the smoke is a small
    quantity of oil seeping past the valve seals (most common problem). If
    you switch to synthetic oil you won't see the smoke.

    User, Oct 16, 2005
  5. A little white smoke under those circumstances should
    be nothing to worry about. Oil smoke is blue, and coolant
    smoke is likely to show up more often than that. Unless it
    smells like antifreeze, don't worry about it.

    Michael Cerkowski, Oct 17, 2005
  6. Robert Polk

    zencraps Guest

    It could be condensation burning off in the muffler.
    zencraps, Nov 4, 2005
  7. My wifes car did this at times ,it seems oil had gathering in the Turbo or
    somewhere .One time it looked very bad and we were concerned ,it turned out
    a new oxygen sensor fixed it up no smoke now at all.
    John Robertson, Nov 5, 2005
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