windshield wiper fluid in winter

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by daffy, Dec 10, 2008.

  1. daffy

    daffy Guest

    I have been told that windshield wiper fluid used in winter should
    have anti-freeze in it.
    Is this true? If one uses regular fluid, how much anti-freeze should
    one add?
    I have anti-freeze that is not diluted and must have 50% water added
    to it

    please advise
    daffy, Dec 10, 2008
  2. daffy

    James Sweet Guest

    It depends on where you live and hence how cold it gets. You can buy
    antifreeze window washer at any autoparts store, don't just pour engine
    antifreeze in it.
    James Sweet, Dec 10, 2008
  3. daffy

    ransley Guest

    A troll right, ok daffy, Alcohol is its antifreeze, I get a gallon of
    denatured alcohol and add more, the coolant system antifreeze is for
    you to drink to keep up Darwins standings.
    ransley, Dec 10, 2008
  4. daffy

    Andy Guest

    Hi "daffy",

    I hope the "anti-freeze" which you're considering using in the windshield
    washer is not *coolant* antifreeze. This contains Ethylene Glycol which is
    not good for the paintwork. The "50%" figure you refer to makes me
    suspicious because that is the usual ratio for *coolant* anti-freeze.

    Windshield washer fluid for Winter use consists of Methyl Alcohol (Methanol)
    diluted with water.

    Take care.
    Andy I.

    :I have been told that windshield wiper fluid used in winter should
    : have anti-freeze in it.
    : Is this true? If one uses regular fluid, how much anti-freeze should
    : one add?
    : I have anti-freeze that is not diluted and must have 50% water added
    : to it
    : please advise
    : thanks
    Andy, Dec 11, 2008
  5. daffy

    Reed Guest

    Should we tell him about changing the air in tires from summer air to
    winter air ??
    Reed, Dec 11, 2008
  6. daffy

    93JONK Guest

    come on now, the guy just needs some advice. most windshield washer
    fluid is rated at different temperatures. go to your local auto parts
    store and check out the different kinds they have. But dont pour
    engine antifreeze into your windshield washer fluid.
    93JONK, Dec 11, 2008
  7. daffy

    johngdole Guest

    johngdole, Dec 12, 2008
  8. daffy

    johngdole Guest

    I guess in the US these lower temp ones are called de-icers and in
    Europe "windshield washer antifreeze"?
    johngdole, Dec 12, 2008
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