wire windshield wiper system of a 262

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Ingars, Sep 3, 2006.

  1. Ingars

    Ingars Guest


    i'm looking for help on repairing the wiper of a 262 volvo. i suppose
    the system isn't unique to the model and i hope at least someone should
    have encountered it.

    the problem is that the wiper system has fallen apart and tough the
    wiper motor is fine (can hear it), the wipers don't work. opened up to
    discover a system i've never seen before. it's hard to describe for a
    non native speaker but it's something like steel wires (or threads)
    connected to metal sticks, those wires supposedly flipped around an
    oval cyllinder like which has a hole through where a sort of bolt come
    which then goes through the cover and where the brushes are put on.

    sorry for this awful describtion but hopefully someone wpuld recognize
    one and could either describe or maybe scan in a picture (from a
    manual) which depicts how the system worrk., because i have no idea how
    to assemble it back again. i suppose i could finally think of smth if i
    took all the panel and could access the place easily, but you know it's
    a lot of work to do and maybe there's a chance to repair it by
    accessing it by just removing the glove box (the part on the passangers
    side has fallen apart).


    Ingars, Sep 3, 2006
  2. Ingars

    James Sweet Guest

    It'll be the same as any 200 series car, easier than trying to describe
    it would be to find another car to look at. Is there a wrecking yard nearby?
    James Sweet, Sep 4, 2006
  3. Ingars

    Ingars Guest

    I'm afraid it is actually something no-one's ever seen before. the
    wrecking yards contain volvos with the 'normal' system which isn't of
    much help. as i said there are sticks to which the cables are attached
    within which go oval object which should be sliding as the stick moves
    and then moving the brushes.

    anyway, i took of the upper of the dashboard (and everything else in
    the process) and took of the whole system. assembled it on the table
    and then squeezed it in as a whole again. i suppose this is the most
    pricey (workload to benefit ratio basis) work that can ever be done on
    a volvo.

    Ingars, Sep 5, 2006
  4. Ingars

    James Sweet Guest

    It sounds like the setup in all the 240s I've worked on, it's hard to
    say without a picture though. I know mine has cables that connect the
    rods to the wheels that drive the wiper arms.
    James Sweet, Sep 5, 2006
  5. Ingars

    Ingars Guest

    well, yes this must be it. as common you may find it in us, here even
    the local dealer refused to deal with them not even talking about any
    other service recognizing the system.

    eventually i got it working but it took a lot f work. i removed all the
    rods and wheels and also the triangles that bolt up to the body from
    below and through which the wiper arms go. then assembled it on the
    table and then put the whole system back into place after having
    removed the upper dashboard to free space between the windshield and
    the dashboard. with all the in-between understanding who it should be,
    removing parts that were not neccessary to remove pretty tricky job it

    although it's done now, id be thankful to hear an advice how the system
    should be repaired the 'easy way' or at least the most rational way. my
    problem was that the wheel that connect the two rods was off the cables
    and i really couldn't imagine how can the wheeb be stretched back in to
    the rod without removing the whole system.

    Ingars, Sep 6, 2006
  6. Or how it came apart....

    Michael Pardee, Sep 6, 2006
  7. Ingars

    mjc Guest

    I had to do that reconnect with a 145, once. Presumably the
    cable stretched just enough to come off the pulley when the wiper
    caught on a chunk of ice. Reassembly involved repeatedly wrapping
    the cable around the pulley and just, well, fiddling with it
    until finally I got it back together. I was about 21 at the time,
    and know I couldn't do it again today.
    mjc, Sep 6, 2006
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