Roger Mills
In an earlier contribution to this discussion,
In that case, unless there two different designs of shoe with the same
diameter, and you have the wrong ones (unlikely!), there's something wrong
with the way in which you're trying to fit them - which is holding them
further apart than they should be.
BTW, *please* try to use the right terminology for the sake of other
readers. As has already been pointed out by someone else, what you have are
brake *shoes* - not pads, and they fit inside *drums* - not rotors.
[The rear brakes on your car are in fact *two* separate braking systems -
disc brakes with hydraulically operated pads to stop you, and drum brakes
with manually operated shoes (via the hand-brake lever) for parking. It's
the drum (parking) brakes which are the subject of the discussion. OK, the
disc (rotor) for the disc brakes happens to be made from the same bit of
metal as the drum for the parking brakes - but that's beside the point!]
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The new pads fit into the new and old rotor. I wasn't aware of this,
but my wife had made
an appointment with our mechanic for her AC, so I'm going to have him
take a look at it.
In that case, unless there two different designs of shoe with the same
diameter, and you have the wrong ones (unlikely!), there's something wrong
with the way in which you're trying to fit them - which is holding them
further apart than they should be.
BTW, *please* try to use the right terminology for the sake of other
readers. As has already been pointed out by someone else, what you have are
brake *shoes* - not pads, and they fit inside *drums* - not rotors.
[The rear brakes on your car are in fact *two* separate braking systems -
disc brakes with hydraulically operated pads to stop you, and drum brakes
with manually operated shoes (via the hand-brake lever) for parking. It's
the drum (parking) brakes which are the subject of the discussion. OK, the
disc (rotor) for the disc brakes happens to be made from the same bit of
metal as the drum for the parking brakes - but that's beside the point!]
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monitored.. Messages sent to it may not be read for several weeks.