Beware the S80

  • Thread starter Thread starter Peter Lebensold
  • Start date Start date
: A defender of the brand steps in and blames the owner/driver. Old song,
: often wrong.
: John
So in steps a detractor, who wags his finger sagely and spouts a load of

Cheers, Peter.
Joseph Oberlander said:
The last time I saw Ford or GM struts, they were no-name OEM
versions that were good for maybe a year or two. I don't know
about what they are putting on the Volvos, but their 5% cost
reduction per year plan doesn't seem compatable with expensive
European struts.

I have never replaced a Volvo shock or strut. I keep my Volvos for
120,000 to 180,000 miles. I did have to replace a couple tailgate strut
and did pull a front 1800E strut through the mount. I used to pass
people who slowed down for railroad tracks until I found out it was
illegal. I had the idea that Volvos didn't have to slow down for bumps,
but one time the strut pulled right through the mounting surface. I
just got a couple heavy washers and bolted it back on.

Regarding the battery, my original equipment batteries have always
lasted at least 6 years.

I have never had any work done on Volvo steering components.
Rob Guenther said:
I have a hard time believing the 2.9L was stuttering on your test drive. We
have the original version of that motor (mounted the proper North-South way)
in our 960 (from 1993, before that screwed around with the design) and it
pulls like crazy... Even before we replaced the ancient spark plugs and
wires two days ago.... Maybe it was the ultra compact 4 speed tranny?

First off I drove a S80 T6 as mentioned, the T6 is a 2.8 litre, not a 2.9.

Why would you have a hard time believing that a used T6 S80 that is sitting at a Volvo
dealer not run right?!? Do you know how many Volvo S70, and S80s I tested before we
finally decided just to get an 850!?!?!? Holy!!! So many deficiencies, yes, the dealer
"will" fix them, but after you buy!!!!!!! No it wasn't the tranny, taking up drive at the
lights, the car would hesitate (and no, were not talking turbo lag, there is hardly any,
we're talking a pure miss, this happened on two S80s from two different dealers).

I race cars, build race engines, and know a thing or 100 about why these cars may have not
been running well. Simply checking the OBDII would help, ECU may have had troubles, and
simply, the cars may have not been well maintained, who knows..

The T6 a 2.8 litre. The T6 is a twin turbo charged engine, and I have no doubt your
naturally aspirated 960 runs well still, my 1987 760 GLE runs great with the B280F, no
probs, even with 250K kms of not so well maintained driving (other than semi regular oil
changes, my sister owned it, she couldn't be bothered ;). heheh. It is not fair to
compare a turbo engine to a naturally aspirated engine nor to a diesel engine for that
matter. All have different characteristics that affect reliability, and the T6 being a
turbo, any sort of induction leak and .................

The 1999 S80 is NOT RECOMMENDED by Lemon Aid, they pratically SCREAM it!!!!

In fact, one particular Volvo dealer told us :stttttttay away from the S80, just look at
our service bay......... hehehe. So....

You be the judge, and like I said, I think if I am not mistaken, the T6 has a different
engine than your 960, and I'm certain the ECU, harness as well as pistons, head, etc are
different ;)

The 2000 is ok from what I've read.

Look at these links:

anyway, there was hundreds more of webpages dedicated to 1999 S80 problems, both the T6
2.8 and 2.9 naturally aspirated.

Its ok, Volvo does make mistakes as well.... Not as many as all the other car makers,
thankfully!! ;)
Tim McNamara said:
They aren't? Well, share the blame between Ford and George W. Bush

Tim I assume you're joking about Ford - and trying to make a political point
at the same time although I don't care one way or the other about your
political point of view - because if you visit this NG now and then you
probably have read that Ford had nothing to the with the S80 whatsoever. It
was conceived and built BEFORE Ford's purchase of don't blame

If anything, thank 'em! Since they took over Volvo the S80 has improved.
I'm relatively happy with my '01. Especially if it had more power and was
electronically limited to only 155 MPH (as it is, I think mine will only run
about 130 - 135 or so on flat ground on a windless day in Nevada...and I
could really use more speed for those GETAWAYS, don'tcha know). The '02's,
03's, and 04's are even better.


PS - I'm not a big Bush supporter but I have trouble supporting his upcoming
opponent, who, as an honest-to-god decorated hero of the Viet Nam war had
some sort of epiphany (that's okay - many did) and decided to appear before
congress and condemn every fellow soldier who ever set foot in Viet Nam
(that's NOT okay) by telling the legislators that all we were doing over
there on an everyday basis was cruelly killing everybody and everything just
for fun and sport...which was of course a bald faced malicious lie of the
worst sort, designed to propel him into the limelight as the darling of the
Jane Fonda left, and who knew? --- maybe even get him elected to some high
office some day?

Well here we are several years later. He ain't gettin' my vote. I may not
vote for the other guy either, but I sure won't support a sniveling, lying,
self-serving sonofabitch like John Kerry. I'll vote Ralph Nader first.
**** John Kerry.

Have a nice day. Criticize Georgie all you want.
I've read that the original inline 6 from around 1992 or so was a design
that spawned the future 5 cylinder, and newer style 6 cylinder motors... And
that esentially the 2.9L motor in the S80 and XC90 is basically the same
motor that was availible 10+ years ago, with moodern technology and
revisions done to it of course (10+ years IMO isn't a long life for an
engine design, the good ones seem to be revised and updated for around 20
years...). The turbomotors have reduced displacement because of
reinforcement to handle the extra stresses of the engine.

Just curious how they could get it right 10 years ago, and get it oh so
wrong, according to you now (well 1999).

Don't worry tho, no plans to get a 99 S80 any time soon.... nor would I buy
any car from year 1 of its production.

If the modern 2.9L and 2.8L engines are not a derivative of the Inline-6
design, first seen in the early 90s then correct me and show me proof,
because from what I have gathered thru my readings it has been the basis of
Volvo engines for over a decade.
If the modern 2.9L and 2.8L engines are not a derivative of the Inline-6
design, first seen in the early 90s then correct me and show me proof,
because from what I have gathered thru my readings it has been the basis of
Volvo engines for over a decade.

I've been trying to learn more about Volvo since I became the owner of a new
S80 two years ago, and I'd swear that's the same thing I've heard and read
myself. D'ya suppose we BOTH got it wrong?

Mebbe. Somebody tell us. Me 'n ol' Rob may be confused here. Straighten
us out.

Re: the S80... does the six cylinder engine in the S80 related to the five
cylinder 2.4 liter engine? In other words, is it the same block, pistons, rods
and otherwise share common engine components?

Re: Bush vs Kerry vs Nader

I completely agree with Mr. Durkin's view on Kerry.

I note that at a politically propitious time, Kerry ambled over to the Jane
Fonda set, the traitoress who betrayed and caused POWs to be killed in North
Vietnam and caused untold misery to others and "testified", as to his opposition
to the war.

Whether the war was right or wrong is irrelevant. The fact has not escaped me
that in a time of war and crisis, when we all should have been sticking
together, he adopted a posture of sanctimonious outrage.

In short, he changed his colors.

Now, Kerry's apologists claim he had nothing to do with Fonda and her movement.


What we need in this country is the strength of character Bush has exhibited,
not chameleons. In this country, we are burdened with a media that badly
distorts and/or under reports foreign events and their true significance to this

We are an insular society, by reason of geography, culture and education.
Therefore, the true relationship between foreign events and the welfare and
future of this country is not discerned by most of our population and is further
exacerbated by the misinformation and distortion of the press.

Right now, Kerry is the darling of the press.

I would strongly advise that those truly interested in what's going on with our
nation vis a vis the rest of the world, not to rely on the US and Western
European press, rather, seek out private intelligence services that that ALL
major corporations subscribe to. There are a number of professional services out
there that give deep insight as to the true nature, causes and origins of world
events and how they affect the US and our allies.

Mine costs $500.00 a year, but, let me tell you... I'm more comfortable,
informed and, as a result, more qualified to make a decision as to which
candidate to vote for.

I guess you can see that foreign relations drive my vote, but I figure, without
securing the outer walls, there's no point in securing the inner walls.
Pat Durkin said:
I've been trying to learn more about Volvo since I became the owner of a new
S80 two years ago, and I'd swear that's the same thing I've heard and read
myself. D'ya suppose we BOTH got it wrong?

Mebbe. Somebody tell us. Me 'n ol' Rob may be confused here. Straighten
us out.


You still missed the point.......

(info taken from my Volvo service docs)

Volvo 960 engine: B6304F and B6304S + various derivatives over the model years. Bosch

Volvo S80 T6 engine: B6284T Bore 81 mm, Stroke 90mm, 8.7-1 compression using ME7 ECM
remapped for turbo., CVVT added (variable valve timing on the exhaust)

Volvo S80 naturally aspirated 1999: B6304S3 similar to 960, different bosses for engine
mounts, etc.. transverse application 83mm bore, Stroke 90mm, 10.7-1 compression using ME7
ECM. CVVT (variable valve timing on the intake)

Volvo S80 naturally aspirated 2000: B6294S

I didn't say that the S80 engine wasn't a derivative of the 960 engines, that wasn't the
point. The T6 is different, with smaller displacement, don't you think there may be
something different?!?

ECU is different (ME7), intake plenum is different, ummm T6 is twin turbo, can you see
where there may be troubles in the first year of manufacture?? You should also read more
about turbo vs naturally aspirated, they decrease the bore and compression for turbo
application, we are talking forced induction here, the combustion pressures do not pose
any critical forces on engine components in any other way than a naturally aspirated
engine. ie: turbo is much lower compression, na is much higher., you're just trying to
ram more air/fuel into the cylinder for the given time that the intake valve is opened.

The Volvo S80 in 1999 had a very high rate of electrical failures, some of which included
engine control management, it also uses drive by wire technology.

Also here is a brief excerpt from Brickboard about the new B6284T and other S80 engines
compared to what your car has:

"A large number of components are new compared to previous version of this engine while
visually these engines are almost identical about 90% of the main components are new."

The rest of the article can be found here:

My single point was, how could you not believe that a 1999 S80 T6 could not have
problems?!? hesitation?!?! missing?!?You should re-read the post I made before you hit
"reply group" next time.. hmmm, you're quite ignorant to think that a car with so many
upgrades since your 1993 960 would contain the same electronics as the S80, does the
B6304F have variable valve timing in your 960? ummm, I don't think so, does it have drive
by wire? also, no, I am sure it doesn't. I do know however, that with some mods, the T6
engine can fit into a 960.

We aren't comparing apples to apples here, we are comparing the S80 which is a much
different car than your 960, just as much as the 960 is quite different in many respects
to my '87 760 (chassis wise, the engines are completely different).

Anyhow, I've made my point, you should do some more research before you make incorrect and
uneducated statements, time to move on to other posts that make more sense.
Stephen M. Henning said:
I have never replaced a Volvo shock or strut. I keep my Volvos for
120,000 to 180,000 miles. I did have to replace a couple tailgate strut
and did pull a front 1800E strut through the mount. I used to pass
people who slowed down for railroad tracks until I found out it was
illegal. I had the idea that Volvos didn't have to slow down for bumps,
but one time the strut pulled right through the mounting surface. I
just got a couple heavy washers and bolted it back on.

Regarding the battery, my original equipment batteries have always
lasted at least 6 years.

I have never had any work done on Volvo steering components.

I second that!

My beat '87 760 has original tie rod ends and ball joints!! I couldn't believe this!!! (I
recently checked the front end and this car has been in our family since new). The only
complaint is that the anti roll bar bushings are worn and you can hear the bar in certain
types of wheel deflection, the bar hits up against the chassis/bar mounts. Simple fix.

Well, there is enough information that at least the 1999 S80 was full of troubles from the
get go, that is too bad. Such a great style.
Thank's Myron.... In my original question I was concerned with the NA 2.9L
motor, didn't realize you were talking about the Turbo.

Thanks for the excellent feedback.
Rob Guenther said:
Thank's Myron.... In my original question I was concerned with the NA 2.9L
motor, didn't realize you were talking about the Turbo.

Hey no problem!!

I hope that Volvo continues to make safe and reliable cars, as probably any new (new to
me, used of course) car that I would decide to buy would be a Volvo!!!

I am always interested in finding out which ones are the best value, but also the most
reliable. I probably would end up replacing my car with a 900 series car anyhow
(similar), I don't know if the S90 was ever sold in Canada.

I am happy with the '96 850 my sister bought (she insisted on a car without sunroof, more
headroom for her 6'4" husband, although the S80 was the only Volvo that headroom with
sunroof wasn't an issue, the S60 limited the vision (his head is higher than the visor
line!!!). My other sister bought a 1999 V70 brand new, also very happy with it.

Eventually you may need to replace your 960 (although it will take a while), and knowing
all this info will help in your next Volvo purchase ;)


Myron Samila
Toronto, ON Canada
Samila Racing
Well our 960 is still looking to be in it for the long haul. Had a tuneup
done this week, I took it out today for a little boot around town, and the
engine just came to life, I think it really needed those new spark plugs and
wires ;-). If it needs replaceing our family has been eyeing the V70's
development for years now... The 2004 Titanium Edition would be the one to
replace our 965.

To answer your question, yes the S90 and V90 were in Canada, but it was only
a 1998 model, then production ended... They only called it S90/V90 because
they were using this alphanumeric naming system on the other cars, the 960
had to fit in somehow. I still think the S90 was much more of a flagship of
a car then the S80 it. Rear wheel drive, strong 6 cylinder motor with no
turbochargers or anything added to it to boost power (I don't think a luxury
car should be Turbo charged, unless it's some sort of sport version - Think
Audi A6/RS6, luxury/super sport)

I really like the new Volvo's, thankfully I will never have to buy one from
1999-2000 or somewhere in that timeframe. The 2002's and up seem solid.

Right now if I was buying a brand new car and money wasn't a big factor I
would be torn between getting a V70, and S60, or a Jetta TDI-PD, or a
Passat... I love Volvo and VW's about the same, for the same reasons, and
for different reasons... It would be a tough choice, thankfully there is a
960 in the family, a Golf TDI (my own car, great for commuting, main reason
I have it), and a Golf CL - basic car, but great fun thanks to 5 speed
manual, and a flexible engine... Yes it was bough for commuting too. My
favorite car is our 960, by far. So much power, smoothness, quietness
(unless you get it past 4000 rpm... Ohh yea), the sound system is great...
even for 11 years old, and it's just so damn comfortable and durable - I
swear it's built to last for a couple decades without major problems.
Based on what is posted in this group, that "old song" is most often


| > And it can't possibly have anything to do with how or where he drives so
| > you, obviously, must never buy one because you must drive just like and
| > where he does. Don't you think you need a little more information
| > you start assuming all S80s are piles o'crap?
| >
| >
| A defender of the brand steps in and blames the owner/driver. Old song,
| often wrong.
| John
| PSPS - You're not just another one of those "brick lovers" who hate
| new, suspect vaguely that Ford is to blame for all the world's evil, and
| might even manufacture a tale of woe to help promote their point of view
| you? Just curious. Don't be insulted. It's a legit question.

I think you've nailed it - way too many posting here who inhabit that
particular lunatic fringe.....:)

My S80 is now 14 months old and no problems.
This is my third volvo and I think the S80 is the dogs bollocks.

tony said:
My S80 is now 14 months old and no problems.
This is my third volvo and I think the S80 is the dogs bollocks.


Mine's pretty good too :-) The car's been bum-rapped.


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