changing a starter motor in 440 HELP DESPERTELY NEEDED

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Hi people,

Ive joined the group in the hope i can pass some info on and also i
need major help/advice for changing a starter motor in a 440.

Ive had volvos 240 in the past and loved them, got to do a few things
to it, so hopefully i can help anyone with a 240. I also have a volvo
740 gle which is a project at the moment lots of faults, but it was
donated to us and we snapped it up, still runs, but niggly problems are
going to be a challenge.

My main concern at the moment is how to change the starter motor in our
440. We have a haines manual which we followed to the letter, remove
filter jack up car, but it fails to tell you firstly where the starter
motor is (assuming its over the top of the engine which isnt really

jacking the car in its jacking place as stated by our owners manual has
bent and buckled the trim at the bottom, and the jack kinda collapsed,
so another jack is called for which we have.

Can anyone tell me how to access the starter motor, and the best way of
how to do seems to be hiding. if its underneath why on earth
would haines tell you to remove the aircleaner/filter.

any help would be much appreciated.

thanks in advance

scotrat animal rescue
scotratrescue said:
Hi people,

Ive joined the group in the hope i can pass some info on and also i
need major help/advice for changing a starter motor in a 440.

Ive had volvos 240 in the past and loved them, got to do a few things
to it, so hopefully i can help anyone with a 240. I also have a volvo
740 gle which is a project at the moment lots of faults, but it was
donated to us and we snapped it up, still runs, but niggly problems are
going to be a challenge.

My main concern at the moment is how to change the starter motor in our
440. We have a haines manual which we followed to the letter, remove
filter jack up car, but it fails to tell you firstly where the starter
motor is (assuming its over the top of the engine which isnt really

Behind the engine, carefully encapsulated by the exhaust manifold. You
can just about see the mountingbolts from above.

jacking the car in its jacking place as stated by our owners manual has
bent and buckled the trim at the bottom, and the jack kinda collapsed,
so another jack is called for which we have.

And proper jackstands!
Can anyone tell me how to access the starter motor, and the best way of
how to do seems to be hiding. if its underneath why on earth
would haines tell you to remove the aircleaner/filter.

This is one job which isn't fun, could take a whole day or more and all
the skin on your knuckles, while somebody with all the right tools and a
carhoist will breeze through!
Are you sure it is faulty? I assume its not turning over, have you
checked with a good battery first? It is unusual for these to be
damaged unless from some other problem that caused it to not start and
the starter to wear out.

Anyway a 440 is nowhere near as reliable as a 240, expect problems and
rust eventually. Get the 740 running properly it will pay you back 10
times and much easiler to work at with a proper Volvo engine.
Behind the engine, carefully encapsulated by the exhaust manifold. You
can just about see the mountingbolts from above.

And proper jackstands!

Indeed, if you don't know how to use a jack and/or where to put it,
nevermind not being able to find the starter you probably shouldn't
attempt it. Help here is one thing, but sounds like you need someone
there to guide you. Do not get under the car without axle stands
supporting the weight on solid suspension parts!

Probably because it gives you better access to bolts at the top. I
assume you have the right manual not a 340 or something, similar engine
different layout.
thank you so much for your input, its lovely to get a reply, having
joined a volvo forum elsewhere, no one answered so thank you somuch.

Yes pretty sure its the starter motor, can be bump started, its a new
battery which we tried in the 740 started no problems, you can hear the
starter trying to go, its probably the brushes sticking but ive decided
just to renew the whole starter motor.
Are you sure it is faulty? >
Anyway a 440 is nowhere near as reliable as a 240, expect problems and
rust eventually.

I did think it was somewhere in the region, perhaps hidden by heat
shields? possibly, am going to try tackling it again tomoro.>
I have the haines manual which doesnt tellyou where to jack, the owners
manual did, stating just behind the front wheel, which i did, but the
jack that came with the car seems to be a bit flimsy for what im used
to,, what i intend to do, is apply handbrake, select first gear, put
stops behind the rear wheels to stop it rolling, jack up onto breeze
blocks, i certinaly dont want to take any chances with a volvo landing
on my wee head. i dont entirely trust jackstands, so im hoping the
above precautions are adequate. i do intend to build a pit for our cars
when the weather allows.
suspension parts!

many thanks again, will let you know how i get on.

as for the 740, its looks a great car and such a nice drive, but
unfortunately for me, the farmer we rent from doenst maintain the
driveway and its appalling, due to the long wheelbase, it scraped on
the driveway where the concrete had worn away leaving a large dip, and
i mustve either loosened a fuel line or ruptured the petrol tank as i
leaked petrol all the way home, so its out of action till i have the
weather and tools to raise it to find what damage there is.

we also have a seatbelt sensor which clicks maddening away despite all
seat belts being secured, a sunroof that the mechanism is heard trying
to close but wont, having the manual handle broken off, just wee silly
niggly things like that seem to be the problem with the 740, the petrol
leak does seem to be the most major.

many thanks again for your input.

scotrat animal rescue
scotratrescue said:
I did think it was somewhere in the region, perhaps hidden by heat
shields? possibly, am going to try tackling it again tomoro.>

given the amounts of heatshields mentioned in the Haynes instructions I
wouldn't discount the possibility

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