From the "Uthu Side" (Nelly)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by \MIDIcian\ \(tm\), Oct 22, 2003.

  1. But that's my point - not only do they hide pretending to be left-wing, but
    the more often than that (because they find it easier to hide there) they
    also do it pretending to be right-wing. And they pretend to be Muslims
    too!!!! And Christians ...

    +- +- +- +-
    "Make your own cross
    Make it to the otherside of hell." - Flash and the Pan
    +- +- +- +-
    \MIDIcian\ \(tm\), Nov 2, 2003
  2. \MIDIcian\ \(tm\)

    psycho Guest

    Centuries old??? I doubt that very much. And exactly WHO is calling
    the people of Israel Nazi's? You really need to step back and
    reexamine your theology and idealisms.

    I am glad to see that you expressed it as your opinion. ALL news
    media (and many non-news formats) are propaganda. They show you what
    they want you to see and often times they show you one thing and tell
    you it's something else. How long will it take for some of these
    people to understand that one simple truth. In the past, the news has
    reported a single act of violence in the middle east from several
    angles and made it look like multiple acts of violence far worse than
    it really was. Have you not noticed that when there's an explosion in
    a civilian area, the pictures released to the press are almost always
    of small children? These images stir up feelings that are easily
    turned into sympathy. Saddam's regime was real good at doing this as
    are both the IDF and the Palestinians and our liberal media is so
    hungry to air it first they don't question the validity of the

    Case in point, our media showed pictures during the recent Iraq
    conflict that were actually shot back in 1990. During that conflict,
    Saddam released pictures of massive piles of people he claimed were
    killed by US bombing when in fact they were later recovered from mass
    graves and proven to be Kurds killed in gas attacks carried out by
    Saddam himself. Did you see THAT splatter all over the 6 O'Clock news?
    The answer is no, and you never will...
    psycho, Nov 2, 2003
  3. Apples and oranges comparison. Not all news is "lying-type propaganda".

    \MIDIcian\ \(tm\), Nov 3, 2003
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