My Walmart Oil Change From Hell

  • Thread starter Thread starter Don
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Although humans are valued in Canada and 'Europe' (think you could narrow
that one down next time?) they are also respected in the United States as
Can someone interpret this statement? It makes about as much sense as
no matter where you go there you'll be.

Yes, clearly the only people who care about the workers and their
contributation to the economy are union workers. Very good call!

Did I say that? No. I said he probably belongs to a union. Get a clue.

Hummm Quality is how well the vehicles are screwed together. Humm whets
the worst vehicle Mercedes builds? Could it be...yes, I believe it is the
ML class built by good old NASCAR watching, church going, 'mericans workers
in a union free right to work red state. Customer satisfaction...I do
believe that has quite a bit to do with how the customer is treated when
something goes wrong with the poorly engineered car that the workers, union
or not tend to screw together exactly as management wants them to. Are you
saying, my good man, that damnable unions have infiltrated every Mercedes
Benz dealer in the United States? Hark! We should have our man Bush do a
signing statement about that!

It's a well known fact that Mercedes has on many occassions threatened
to move it's production plants to Poland from Germany if the unions
didn't back off. hmmmm using your bright logic let's look at Toyota
and Honda's built in the USA by non union labor. Church going to boot.
Funny how a non union worker can assemble things without the mighty
union to show him how.
Perhaps you

So now you request a high level critique of the business practices of an
established technology firm as well as impose a anti union rant upon us?

Another stupid statement. No further comment needed.
Also please

Wal Mart gives almost no benefits, and they cost more then most part time
employees can afford.

You seem to know a lot about walmart. Can you now show me what company
pays part time employees enough money to afford their own benefits?
Better yet just show me part time employees who even get benefits? Yes
there are a slight few but those are the exception. Have you bothered
to read a newspaper in the past decade?
Wal Mart has taken many people off welfare, as the programs designed by
President Clinton and the congress working together devised. The programs
envisioned moms working and gaining skills, while the gov't would provide
health care, and perhaps in some cases income as well.

The issue is that the people so employed have not due to whatever reason
developed sufficient skills to get better jobs, and the country is still
subsidizing Wal Mart.

Laughing sorry.
That simply is

If a worker has the years and is given the hours they are permitted to buy
benefits at a higher cost then many can afford, that correct.

Gee, Don are the benefits at wal mart equal to the benefits congressmen
enjoy? Federal workers? Members of the armed services? Your benefits?
So let me get this right. In your small world you feel all Americans
should get the same benefits. Is that correct? I think there is a name
for that ..... socialism. The USA thank God is not socialist so deal
with it. Should we all wear the same clothes also? If I buy a wool
suit should everyone be able to buy one also? Give me a break.
My dear boy, it's clear that the issue is a question of macro V. micro!

Explaining how having a middle class with money to spend on more then food
and housing with medical coverage is what makes the economy grow is not what
they hear on talk radio. You must be an evil liberal! If not for the evil
liberal media I bet we woulda been done in Iraq already!

OTOH saving a few bucks is never a bad idea as long as one is not penny wise
and pound foolish.
When I first graduated from college I had an interview to manage a Jiffy

They have impressive quality control systems and severe repercussions for
failures leading to engine loss.

Quite frankly the Volvo is an unusual car, but the second time Wal Mart,
Jiffy Lube or where ever will do it right, will be 200% careful and will be
sure it does not happen again. Would I bring the car to such a place for an
oil change? Perhaps. Wal Mart if it was on my way. I am sure Jiffy Lube
has tech info out so the problems that happened at Wal Mart will not happen

I tend to think the dip stick was either an accident that could happen
anywhere or a defect.

I will not pay the 40 bucks the dealer wants for an oil change, but I will,
and do pay 25 for my garage to do the oil change, rather then 15 at the
chain stores.
Here's Jiffy Lube at its best. Quality control isn't their issue.
Fraud is their issue. And they do that quite well.
i would never take a volvo to a jiffy lube...
for fear of gettin' "lubed" myself....
Jamie said:
One the other hand, going to Wal-Mart and saving money is what creates
enough wealth to buy a Mercedes, SAAB and a Volvo.

.02 cents.

Hardly. Wealth creation is rarely a function of penny pinching
behavior. Penny pinching generally ends up being counter productive and
pulls a person's wealth down over time, not up.

Don said:
Sorry but this one got me laughing. We're talking about an oil change
not a new turbo charger. I never take these cars to dealers for oil
changes. Mercedes wants almost $200 for an oil change. Volvo is
totally incompetent of providing decent service and Saab service has
also plummeted since GM took over.

I find it hard to believe that you do not have access to a single
competent independent who specializes in European cars. Perhaps my view
is colored by the places I have lived (New Jersey, upstate New York,
Texas and No. California). Everywhere I have ever lived there have been
several well regarded competent European import specialist independent
repair shops. Even the small town of 25,000 people I live in now has a
shop which all of the Euro car owners know to be competent.

Your money. Your time. Your choices. I think you will do better having
someone who knows what they are doing work on your vehicle, even with
something "simple" like an oil change.

there are many great ind volvo shops along the
colorado front range...they would love your
business...pick up a copy of rolling mag or come by
and have a beer w/the local volvo club meeting to
see what shop is closest and best...word get around
w/volvo owners.....good luck !!....
Many people who are wealthy are frugal.

Sam Walton was known to drive an older pickup as his daily driver, when
he was a billionaire.

Sure, if something is important to them they spend the money, but many
are thrifty, industrious and basically not at all extravagant by

To the truly successful, all money is good for is a means of keeping

Nothing wrong with that.
"To the truly successful, all money
is good for is a means of keeping

well stated....
"Sam Walton was known to drive an older pickup"

and i would bet dollars to doughnuts he had a trusted

Excuse me, but getting an oil and filter change is not rocket science,
any moron can do it, and do it right.

What you say should be true, but in practice is not. Stripped oil drain
plug bolts, improperly seated oil filter and incorrectly refilled
engines are but a few of the things I have seen done by the morons you
are so fond of.

Don said:
Can someone interpret this statement? It makes about as much sense as
no matter where you go there you'll be.

Did I say that? No. I said he probably belongs to a union. Get a clue.

It's a well known fact that Mercedes has on many occassions threatened
to move it's production plants to Poland from Germany if the unions
didn't back off. hmmmm using your bright logic let's look at Toyota
and Honda's built in the USA by non union labor. Church going to boot.
Funny how a non union worker can assemble things without the mighty
union to show him how.

Another stupid statement. No further comment needed.

You seem to know a lot about walmart. Can you now show me what company
pays part time employees enough money to afford their own benefits?
Better yet just show me part time employees who even get benefits? Yes
there are a slight few but those are the exception. Have you bothered
to read a newspaper in the past decade?

Laughing sorry.

So let me get this right. In your small world you feel all Americans
should get the same benefits. Is that correct? I think there is a name
for that ..... socialism. The USA thank God is not socialist so deal
with it. Should we all wear the same clothes also? If I buy a wool
suit should everyone be able to buy one also? Give me a break.

Didn't Mercedes quality problems begin with the company changing their name from
Daimler-Benz to Daimler-Chry...r ?? One can only wonder what influences that
came ino the company.

Johan Plane
Uppsala, Sweden
- where all have the same social benefits regrdless of whether whole- or
parttime employed, whether union- or nonunion worker...And with no higher tax
pressure than in the US, when all costs for education, health insurances and
such are taken into account.
They have impressive quality control systems and severe repercussions for
failures leading to engine loss.

No, they really don't. A friend of mine worked at JL for a while.
Really, their attention to detail is quite lacking.
Quite frankly the Volvo is an unusual car

As far as performing oil changes is concerned, no.
After reading this post I'm willing to bet you're either from Canada or
Europe. You probably belong to a union.

Well, that's two bets you'd loose. Colour me shocked.
Speaking of unions that is the number one reason Mercedes Benz is now
ranked lower than one American car company in quality and customer

That asinine statement is like saying unions are to blame for the mess
that GM's in now. No, the problem is that GM builds shitty cars. Hell,
there was a Frontline episode about the mess that GM's in now. One of the
GM veeps made some comment that labour costs aren't dramatically higher
for GM when compared to their competition. As far as I'm concerned, GM
knew that they'd have to make good on the benefits packages they've
offered for the better part of thirty years now. In those thirty years,
you'd think that maybe, just maybe they could have produced a few
profitable, quality, popular cars. Take the Fiero for instance. When
they stopped making it, there was talk about how Americans didn't want a
sporty two seater. Of course, the Miata
Perhaps you should email Bill Gates and tell him where he
screwed up.

Why? Opinions are a dime a dozen, and I'm sure he already knows where
he's screwed up. The general emphasis on marketing over quality is a good
place to start. The severity of the exploits released for Windows and
Office are a pretty negative impact. Look at the various state and local
governments that have standardized on non-Microsoft file formats.
Also please show us where Walmart gives its employees no
benefits. That simply is not the case. Are they equal to your union
benefits? No I'm sure they aren't. But don't say they give no benefits.
It blows any credibility you may have had.

Well, let's see. They've encouraged employees to use Medicare and
other welfare programs as a means of sustenance. Sure, they provide
benefits, if you work full time. They'll try their damndest to schedule
you just shy of full-time however (and thus disqualify you for benefits).

If you think that WM's burden on the state welfare systems isn't
significant enough that you'd have to pay higher taxes to make up for
it... think again.
wal mart should stick with what they do best...sell
crappy goods from asia for 200% mark ups, and employ
un educated folks at minium wage...i would recomend
they stay away from servicing high end autos....its a
bit too much for them...
John said:
What you say should be true, but in practice is not. Stripped oil drain
plug bolts, improperly seated oil filter and incorrectly refilled
engines are but a few of the things I have seen done by the morons you
are so fond of.

And which "morons," exactly, do you claim I am fond of?

Fact is, I have nothing but contempt for anyone too lame, ill equipped
or unskilled to change their own oil.

What, you think you need to be certified to do this task?

Christ on a cross, a ten year old on Ritalin could do it.

Just change your own oil, problem solved.
That asinine statement is like saying unions are to blame for the mess
that GM's in now. No, the problem is that GM builds shitty cars. Hell,
there was a Frontline episode about the mess that GM's in now. One of the
GM veeps made some comment that labour costs aren't dramatically higher
for GM when compared to their competition. As far as I'm concerned, GM
knew that they'd have to make good on the benefits packages they've
offered for the better part of thirty years now. In those thirty years,
you'd think that maybe, just maybe they could have produced a few
profitable, quality, popular cars. Take the Fiero for instance. When
they stopped making it, there was talk about how Americans didn't want a
sporty two seater. Of course, the Miata

GM has been raped and pillaged by the unions and I agree that
management is worthless also. GM never offered anything in terms of
benefits. Unions either got what they wanted or shut GM down. This is
still going on. Legalized extortion. Unions are the number one reason
the entire airline industry is in the situation it finds itself.
Why? Opinions are a dime a dozen, and I'm sure he already knows where
he's screwed up. The general emphasis on marketing over quality is a good
place to start. The severity of the exploits released for Windows and
Office are a pretty negative impact. Look at the various state and local
governments that have standardized on non-Microsoft file formats.

I think my point must have sailed right over your head.
Well, let's see. They've encouraged employees to use Medicare and
other welfare programs as a means of sustenance. Sure, they provide
benefits, if you work full time. They'll try their damndest to schedule
you just shy of full-time however (and thus disqualify you for benefits).

Again you're talking total BS and have a deep lack of understanding on
how the American system works. You're screaming the union propaganda
so well it makes me think you wrote it.
If you think that WM's burden on the state welfare systems isn't
significant enough that you'd have to pay higher taxes to make up for
it... think again.

I'll bet you can't wait for the day Walmart is finally defeated by the
Unions. Have you tried to organize Microsoft also?
if you study the history of unions in america, you will see it is the
only reason most employees have medical, vacation, and limited
hours/breaks today...duh....i wouldn't be too quick to deamonize
all union activity...
if you study the history of unions in america, you will see it is the
only reason most employees have medical, vacation, and limited
hours/breaks today...duh....i wouldn't be too quick to deamonize
all union activity...

Most Americans have medical, vacation etc because they work for a
company that provides them. The overall bulk of this is provided to
non-union employees of private companies. Next in line are the
recipients of government medicare/medicaid programs. Next are
government employees and way down the list are employees of unionized
companies. This is in terms of over all numbers.

I'm sorry but you will have a hard time convincing me of any value a
union brings to the table in 2006. I've seen too many industries
totally raped by these organizations. Look at France. They basically
shut the economy down over allowing employers the right to more easily
fire young workers. The government finally repealed the law. By the
way we shut down our French office and now service France through our
German offices. But even in Germany it takes us 6 to 12 months and a
lot of money to get rid of a bad employee. It's no wonder the French
economy has been on a steady downhill slide for two decades.

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