Turbo/ Engine Failure/ Sludge/ 2001 V70 T5

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shelby
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My question is, should
I have known or been told that I had a choice between regular or
synthetic? I had no idea until I started reading on this forum and
others like it, that I may not have been getting the best oil for my
turbo and engine. I'm going to post some photos of the sludge and
seals which were removed from my car

How a person will lay out the money to buy such a techically
sophisticated car yet remain so woefully ignorant of basic maintenance
is a bit beyond me.

Do believe everything you read without questioning ulterior motives?

Does the Volvo service / owner's manual -not- suggest shorter oil
service intervals when operating under less than laboratory
conditions? 7,500 miles on most common mineral oils available in the
US is under optimal operating conditions WITHOUT a turbocharger. Ever
shop the shelves at an auto parts store and notice some oils carry a
"turbo" endorsement?

Do you check your OWN oil for level and color on occasion? Black = no

Sadly, I see your experience as the price of your education.

Philip said:
How a person will lay out the money to buy such a techically
sophisticated car yet remain so woefully ignorant of basic maintenance
is a bit beyond me.

While I agree that one of the most important and first things a new car
owner should do is thoroughly read the owner's manual and adhere to it,
I think a Volvo dealer should adhere to it as well. Besides, we do not
know exactly what is written in this particular manual in regards to oil
and oil changes - maybe Shelby would like to provide this info so that
we can settle this once and for all - was the Volvo dealer not following
the manual, or was the information not even in the manual? In both
cases - I'd blame Volvo. Not everyone has to be a car mechanic in order
to drive one.

Do you check your OWN oil for level and color on occasion? Black = no

That's not quite true. The color of oil is no indication of its state.
Oil turning dark is just doing its job by suspending tiny dirt particles
in itself. However, this does not mean it's "no good" anymore. Many
oils turn dark rather fast (within a couple of thousand miles), but
their TBN is still relatively high, showing that there is plenty of
additives left to fight acids and prevent wear. Truthfully, only a used
oil analysis could determine whether it's time to drain it.
Interstingly, in her case, an oil analysis after the first 7.5K miles
would have shown a high level of insolubles giving an indication that
something is wrong and preventing the disasters that followed. Alas,
her case is so clear-cut (to me at least), that it doesn't take a rocket
scientist (nor an oil analysis) to figure out that

turbo + dino oil for 7.5K miles = big trouble

But again, not everyone has to know this. And as you well pointed out,
in this case the learning came at a rather high price. With time, more
cases like these will surface, and will eventually force some
dealerships in the US to start using better quality oils with those
extended drain intervals. For now, extended drain intervals are a
selling point.

"One of the selling points during the transaction was the 7,500
mile recommended oil change intervals for Volvos."

Now, if the dealership also informed her that you need to use a more
expensive oil ($5/quart for average fully-synthetic oil vs. $1.50/quart
for a dino oil), then suddenly it would not be a good selling point, so
they conveniently forget to mention that part. And for that they should
have their hands slapped, IMO at least.


How a person will lay out the money to buy such a techically
sophisticated car yet remain so woefully ignorant of basic maintenance
is a bit beyond me.

Not everyone does their own maintenance. I think Shelby acted in
good faith. She performed owners-manual scheduled maintenance at
a Volvo _dealer_. I personally think her dealer sucks to have used
non-synthetic oil on a turbo. I think her dealer sucks to have
not warned her about the implications of a serious oil-leak from
the turbo seal.
Sadly, I see your experience as the price of your education.

Put your statement in any other perspective. The vast majority
of arteriosclerosis can be avoided if people eat differently.
Do you view their death as the price of their education? Or
do you think that they should have been educated about diet
by their physicians earlier in their lives, especially if such
education never occurred?
Philip said:
How a person will lay out the money to buy such a techically
sophisticated car yet remain so woefully ignorant of basic maintenance
is a bit beyond me.

Do believe everything you read without questioning ulterior motives?

Does the Volvo service / owner's manual -not- suggest shorter oil
service intervals when operating under less than laboratory
conditions? 7,500 miles on most common mineral oils available in the
US is under optimal operating conditions WITHOUT a turbocharger. Ever
shop the shelves at an auto parts store and notice some oils carry a
"turbo" endorsement?

Do you check your OWN oil for level and color on occasion? Black = no

Sadly, I see your experience as the price of your education.


If they're selling a car using maintenance costs that are not actually
valid, then they are lying. All my manual states (1998 T5) is that
synthetic oil is stongly recommended. It doesn't say that your engine
will suffer premature failure if you don't use synthetic oil. Mercedes
has a class action suit against it in the US now, because their extended
drain intervals suggested by the hi tech computer is not often enough
for the cheaper, commonly used oils in North America. Not everybody is
interested in learning everything about their cars. The original poster
trusted Volvo's service schedule and the dealer (who took lots of good
money) to do a job that was, at best, wholly inadequate.

Mike F.
Thornhill (near Toronto), Ont.

NOTE: new address!!
Replace tt with t (twice!) and remove parentheses to email me directly.
(But I check the newsgroup more often than this email address.)
Sure synthetic oil is more costly but the bills this poor lady paid out
prove synthetic is worth it .We have two Turbo Volvos 88 & 90 both run on
Synthetic oil the 88 had synthetic oil in it always before we brought it
..They run like a dream so much so I am off to Sydney and return on Thursday
morning and all I need to do is check the tyres an such .The 88 has 215k the
90 has 152k both are sweet engines also I use 98 octane as the 82 litre tank
takes me to Sydney with reserve at 10.98 klm to the litre Sydney is 840 klm
..The thinner synthetic oil flows easy and economy shows together with 98
octane fuel its a win win situation.I was using Mobil 1 5w\50w but they
put up the price to @$65 au dollars for 5 litres so I now use and prefer Bp
5000 @ $39.95 for 4 litres as well its 5 w\ 40 w which flows better and
cooler .Over here I always carry spare fuel so I don't get caught out at
some country fuel station where the petrol is suspect .

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