Subject: Re: What's my car worth?
From the ground up, there's a lot of missing info. How are the tires?
How's the paint? How's the mechanical reliability? How is the a/c
working? Are there any leaks? Have all maintenence records been kept
up to date? And so many more...
Hi. Thatnks for the response. I did actually talk about most of this, except,
I think, the air conditioner, which needs to be recharged. To recap the rest,
the tires are all new last month, the paint is good and there's no rust, the
mechanical reliability is top notch, there are no leaks, the maintenance
records are all there, and the car was given another check up by a Volvo
mechanic last month, when the tires were replaced.
Yes, you asked for an opinion as to the value, you were told that
without seeing it, no one could give you a good opinion. Without
knowing your market, we can't give an opinion. Without a good pre-sale
mechanical evaluation, no one should even try. Bev gave a very good
piece of advice that I am sure many would not have even thought of, take
it to someone for a professional evaluation of the resale value, then
you can decide if the deal you gave your brother-in-law was good or not.
Were I advetising the car for sale, I would have done that. I'm not -- I'm
making a private family deal -- and I was interested in the opinions of others
with similar experience.
You did present this as if you had not decided how much to sell the car
for. Now we find out you just wanted to know if you got ripped off or,
just maybe, you were making an enemy of a family member.
How would I be ripped off if I'm the one setting the price? I wanted to know
if other Volvo owners thought the price I was setting was fair so I could
adjust it downward if not. There was never a question of anyone being an
You should
have presentred this as, "Hey. I just offered to sell my old ride for
$9999. It's got 400,000 miles on it butr runs like a dream (okj more
like a nightmare). The paint is peeling everywhere, but it does have
the added benefit of not being able to see the bug splatter very well.
And you don't even need to open the doors to grab something off the
road, just reach through the floorboards! So, is that a deal or am I
getting sctewed?" There would have been more info and a more accurate
idea of what you were doing.
I gave a very thorough description and explained the situation.
Instead, you just asked for price
opinions, making sound like you weren't sure and wanted a price before
you made an offer.
Again, I'm not making an offer on anything, and I did ask for price opinions
because that's what I want. I've asked for and received very good and helpful
advice and opinions from the people on this board before. Why I'm getting all
the nastiness and bile this time around is a bit of a mystery.