CHOKE on this!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Philip
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Marvin said:
Have you ever been behind a car or truck with a diesel engine that
needs a tuneup? Did you notice the heavy smoke? Rather common,
isn't it? Is that like second-hand tobacco smoke?

At 70 years, and a being a retired line driver, there isn't anything I have
NOT been behind at some point. LOL

I have seen plenty of drivers in truck stops whose cigarette or pipe smoke
could match that of a good running early 1980's Oldsmobile (choke). The
frequency of diesels belching smoke is the exception these days.
Yes, obviously British, but I liked the assertion from that StingRay chappie
about always being able to tell an "Englishman"... :-)

Sort of reminds of the time when I lived in digs in Penarth (suburb of
Cardiff, capital of Wales, for those not in Europe) many moons ago.

My parents once sent me a letter from abroad (they're not English or
British) addressed to me in Cardiff, England. My landlord gave me quite a
lecture... :-)

Huw said:
Marvin said:
Have you ever been behind a car or truck with a diesel engine that
needs a tuneup? Did you notice the heavy smoke? Rather common,
isn't it? Is that like second-hand tobacco smoke?

Depends which Country you are in and how old the vehicle. Older
vehicles were built to different standards.
As for heavy smoke, then older worn petrol engines are the worse
stinkers of all, after 1970's petrol cars ['pre cat' over here]. Then
come older diesels and especially buses. Buses are particularly
pungent which is ironic since they commonly work in towns where a
clean and neutral exhaust is most important.


Is it not remarkable how much 'tolerance' vehicles recognized for being an
intrigal part of the economy and/or a political agenda get! LOL
Philip said:
At 70 years, and a being a retired line driver, there isn't anything I have
NOT been behind at some point. LOL

I have seen plenty of drivers in truck stops whose cigarette or pipe smoke
could match that of a good running early 1980's Oldsmobile (choke). The
frequency of diesels belching smoke is the exception these days.

In cold weather diesels stink bad, real bad. In fact so bad I have to
close off my external air mix valve. Buses are real bad. School buses
are even stinkier. Those with exhaust pipes off the side instead of up
the top like the big trucks, blow that crap right into the cars.

Have you ever been behind a car or truck with a diesel engine that needs a tuneup? Did you notice the heavy smoke? Rather
common, isn't it? Is that like second-hand tobacco smoke?

A Diesel can't be "tuned up" However a diesel with worn injectors or
sucking air into the fuel line or a number of other problems will
cause this. I believe that the real source of most visible diesel
smoke that you are seeing is from high sulphur diesel fuel (Often in
North America) or from worn out diesels in a poor state of repair in
other regions.

Watch the new common rail and other efficient diesels run with
functioning emission controls and you'll be hard pressed to discern
any smoke, heavy or otherwise.

In fact I would love for you to compare the visible emissions from a 6
pac 'Cuda to a new 200 HP VW GTi TDi upon hard acceleration.

Emissions are as a result of government requirements. What you are
seeing is the result of what the government has stated is acceptable.

What makes me shake my head is the pollution that is released by home
furnaces and farming unmentioned in the media while the brainless
"environmentalists" belabor the auto sector.

But..... I suppose that it's easier to attack a rich guy in a Caddy
than it is to attack Grandma and her home & Farm practices.
In cold weather diesels stink bad, real bad. In fact so bad I have to
close off my external air mix valve. Buses are real bad. School
are even stinkier. Those with exhaust pipes off the side instead of
the top like the big trucks, blow that crap right into the cars.

The test vehicle in the example was a current technology European passenger
car. Not a 40 year old Crown school bus with a equally dated engine. I
have no idea where you live so I cannot comment about old buses spewing high
sulfur exhaust in your vents. Where I live, metro diesel busses are CNG
fueled and school buses are a mix of biodiesel and CNG. No smoke or stench.
As for OTR trucks, they are subject to California emsssions rules. Out of
State trucks .... who knows other than emission levels those trucks had to
meet to be sold originally. Also, sulfur content varies quite a bit outside
of CA. If you don't like it, don't follow busses or .. RIDE the bus. LOL
Full_Name said:
A Diesel can't be "tuned up" However a diesel with worn injectors or
sucking air into the fuel line or a number of other problems will
cause this.

You are in error about diesel tuning. Completely.
Dori A Schmetterling said:
"Hovel in your element"?



That should have read grovel, as in "cringe". Hey, it was late at night
Dori. I'm surprised that you only found one error in that rather lengthy
piece. Mea culpa.
Bradburn Fentress said:
Ah man, why give this goofball a clue.? A recent study showed that the
people the least likely to recognize incompetence and stupidity are
incompetent stupid ones. Think how much more enjoyable this knucklehead is
when he thinks he's being witty, rather than understanding he's quite

Geez....some people kill all the fun :^)

Brad, that was truly spoken like a man who "thinks he's being witty, rather
than understanding he's quite dimwitted." Your inferiority complex is
shining through. It's well deserved Brad. ;-) Just keep reading those
studies Brad and you may someday get a clue. You would have been better off
remaining quiet and appearing stupid, rather than opening your mouth and
removing all doubt.
StingRay said:
Brad, that was truly spoken like a man who "thinks he's being witty,
rather than understanding he's quite dimwitted." Your inferiority
complex is shining through. It's well deserved Brad. ;-) Just keep
reading those studies Brad and you may someday get a clue. You would
have been better off remaining quiet and appearing stupid, rather
than opening your mouth and removing all doubt.

Plagiarizing without giving due credit again?

"You would have been better off remaining quiet and appearing stupid, rather
than opening your mouth and removing all doubt.?

(earliest version seems to be Proverbs 17:28) 28 Even a fool, when he
holdeth his peace, is counted wise:
Full_Name said:
A Diesel can't be "tuned up" However a diesel with worn injectors or
sucking air into the fuel line or a number of other problems will
cause this. I believe that the real source of most visible diesel
smoke that you are seeing is from high sulphur diesel fuel (Often in
North America) or from worn out diesels in a poor state of repair in
other regions.

Watch the new common rail and other efficient diesels run with
functioning emission controls and you'll be hard pressed to discern
any smoke, heavy or otherwise.

In fact I would love for you to compare the visible emissions from a 6
pac 'Cuda to a new 200 HP VW GTi TDi upon hard acceleration.

Emissions are as a result of government requirements. What you are
seeing is the result of what the government has stated is acceptable.

What makes me shake my head is the pollution that is released by home
furnaces and farming unmentioned in the media while the brainless
"environmentalists" belabor the auto sector.

But..... I suppose that it's easier to attack a rich guy in a Caddy
than it is to attack Grandma and her home & Farm practices.

My Range Rover is tuned by 'chipping'.
I have a range of off road equipment including a few tractors. Latest
tractor engines are tier II compliant while tier III will take over on
engines above 150hp from next Summer. Most current off road engines above
100hp already have high pressure injection systems with electronic engine
management while an increasing number have common-rail type injection. Tier
III compliant engines will have common rail or unit injectors combined with
variable vane turbo's and exhaust gas recirculation.

I do agree about oil fired home heating though. I have three such systems
and when they start to smoke or smell, boy do they pollute!

Bradburn said:
Dori A Schmetterling said:
"Hovel in your element"?


For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling

Then you can hovel in your element.

Ah man, why give this goofball a clue.? A recent study showed that the
people the least likely to recognize incompetence and stupidity are
incompetent stupid ones. Think how much more enjoyable this
knucklehead is when he thinks he's being witty, rather than
understanding he's quite dimwitted.

Geez....some people kill all the fun :^)

The problem with that theory is that you too could be deluding yourself into
thinking that you are clever and witty when you are not. I suppose you'll
have to fall back on school grades, IQ tests, and general concensus to show

StingRay can go down to a community college and sign up for a logic 101
class to see how lacking his reasoning skills are, but he probably doesn't
care. After all, he might even have a Stingray, and it's probably the high
point of his life.
Hagrinas Mivali said:
The problem with that theory is that you too could be deluding yourself
thinking that you are clever and witty when you are not. I suppose you'll
have to fall back on school grades, IQ tests, and general concensus to

StingRay can go down to a community college and sign up for a logic 101
class to see how lacking his reasoning skills are, but he probably doesn't
care. After all, he might even have a Stingray, and it's probably the
point of his life.

Hmmm, Hag, I'm sure that a Stingray (Families Dasayatidae &
Potamotrygonidae) is a carnivorous animal that feeds mainly on crustaceans
and other invertebrates. It would appear that I reeled in you and Eric
Dreher [email protected] hook, line and sinker! You two invertebrates really
don't have a clue between you. Why don't you both troll over to alt.dolts
and join your ilk. By the way, I don't "have a Stingray". It's illegal!
*still shaking head in disbelief at stupidity of Hag & Ric [email protected] *
It's been fun feeding on you and Ric [email protected] ! *Plonk*
Hagrinas Mivali said:
The problem with that theory is that you too could be deluding yourself into
thinking that you are clever and witty when you are not. I suppose you'll
have to fall back on school grades, IQ tests, and general concensus to show

No, that's the glory of the theory....everyone falls under the same
assumption. Including you and your comment here.
StingRay can go down to a community college and sign up for a logic 101
class to see how lacking his reasoning skills are, but he probably doesn't
care. After all, he might even have a Stingray, and it's probably the high
point of his life.

Well if he does own a Stingray I'd give him credit, but something tells me
he is more likely a latter day Corvette owner, gold chains and all.
StingRay said:
Hmmm, Hag, I'm sure that a Stingray (Families Dasayatidae &
Potamotrygonidae) is a carnivorous animal that feeds mainly on crustaceans
and other invertebrates. It would appear that I reeled in you and Eric
Dreher [email protected] hook, line and sinker! You two invertebrates really
don't have a clue between you. Why don't you both troll over to alt.dolts
and join your ilk. By the way, I don't "have a Stingray". It's illegal!
*still shaking head in disbelief at stupidity of Hag & Ric [email protected] *
It's been fun feeding on you and Ric [email protected] ! *Plonk*

Oh, oh....someone spent some time on Google before posting.

Did he fool anyone? :^)
Oh, oh....someone spent some time on Google before posting.

Did he fool anyone? :^)

As to having anything more than two firing synapses? Nope.

This supercilious twit/killfile fodder took about 0.2 seconds to enter
my bozo bin. He's shrieking in the more ways than one.
StingRay said:
Hmmm, Hag, I'm sure that a Stingray (Families Dasayatidae &
Potamotrygonidae) is a carnivorous animal that feeds mainly on
crustaceans and other invertebrates. It would appear that I reeled in
you and Eric Dreher [email protected] hook, line and sinker! You two
invertebrates really don't have a clue between you. Why don't you
both troll over to alt.dolts and join your ilk. By the way, I don't
"have a Stingray". It's illegal! *still shaking head in disbelief at
stupidity of Hag & Ric [email protected] * It's been fun feeding on you
and Ric [email protected] ! *Plonk*

I would think that even you are not so stupid that you don't know that
Stingray has more than one meaning, and when started with an upper-case
letter, it's a proper noun, not a common noun. Your definition is therefore
completely wrong. Furthermore, even if it were correct, you cannot comment
about laws relating to them in any meaningful way. Each nation has
different laws. In the US, state laws would govern ownership of animals, and
each state has different laws. If there's a federal law covering this, or
you have evidence that it's illegal in every state and every country, then
by all means let me know about them. I can find many people on the Web who
must be breaking the law according to you. Perhaps you want to report them.

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