James said:
It used to be about the same price as premium gas, but last night I drove by
a gas station downtown and regular gasoline was $1.96/gal while Diesel was
$2.69/gal. Why, I don't know.
Although I don't know the ins & outs/specifics of the matter, there are
a few people on some non-automotive-related email lists who have
mentioned that they use biodiesel in their VW TDIs and at least one
fellow who talked about using waste vegetable oil from deep fat fryers.
Stop in at a McGreasePucks, pull up to the deep fat fryer and say "Fill
'er up, ... and _no_ fries with that" ?
A few people have mentioned that in their opinions,
the 940 turbo (as opposed to a 960 non-turbo) is the best Volvo in
terms of performance/fuel efficiency/durability while others mention
having reservations with the turbo option due to ease of failure of the
turbo unit and expense when it comes to replacement.
So the obvious question is:
How much of an improvement in fuel efficiency with the turbo and what
is the life expectancy of the turbo unit (assuming that one takes a
reasonable (not excessive) amount of care in letting the turbo cool
down before shutting down ?
ie Does the increase in fuel efficiency over the life of the turbo work
better than balance out the replacement cost of the turbo unit ?
(From someone who is wondering how different (read: magnitudes better)
Volvos would be today if Volvo had merged with Volkswagen instead of
with Ford.)