Your suggestoin for a SUV

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Mikey said:
"Simply Vanity", "I don't care" , looks like you include yourself and
wife as a pair within the four grown up children.

Grown up chiildren is an oxymoron. Don't understand that? Thought so.

In the field of psychology, the mention of "Parents of Adult Children"
not to mention Adult Children of Aged Parents runs rampant. Did you
know this?

A spot check of this thread has shown a wanton failure to distinguish
"need" from "desire." I'm not going to single out anyone in
particular. ;^)


"If a long train of abuses, prevarications, and artifices, all tending
the same way, make the design visible to the people . tis not to be
wondered that they should then rouse themselves."
- John Locke (1632-1704)
Joseph Oberlander said:
Nah. Give me a Volvo C303 anyday.
Oh? need a URL? ;)

Second place goes to the Pinzgauer, though not by much.
Both will crumple up a Hummer into a tiny piece of GM scrap
that it is. Cost a lot less, too.

The C303 has 15 inches of clearance at its lowest point, and
over two feet at the middle.

I like !!!!!!!
perhaps its not about math but physics:
quantum mechanics - many world interpretation?
There you can pack a nearly infinite number of children into your
house, and getting the square root of them each in half paired with
some other half onto the backseat of your car quite near to your
cone of reality.
So there should be no problem with just 4 of them ...

That's it!

How did the obvious escape us all?
Paradox said:
Great at tipping over in rain or snow?

Actually, with a puny 7-8 inches of clearance, they are hardly any
different than a car if properly designed and NOT driven like a
Miata. Think slightly raised Caravan. :)
Ahh I see, he wants to find the biggest deathtrap SUV possible so even if
there is a narrow chance his wife kills herself, its the most likely one.
Good job....

You're either doing a really pathetic job of trolling or have
missed the point entirely. Most of the yuppie-mobiles are
extremely bad at crash testing, so get one of the good ones
like the Subaru or something big enough to take a decent hit.

In any case, get the side impact protection.

My friend is about a week or two from buying a new 4-Runner
and it is a superb machine. We test-drove it today and it
cornered almost as good as my Volvo 240 and shot off the line like
it had a fire under its rear end. Side impact protection for front
and rear, and decent off-road capabilities to boot. Nothing
not to like here. :) Whatever Toyota did with it, it does not
drive top-heavy and is very stable.

And there are a dozen other midsize choices that are decent.
Check. She wants a raised minivan. No problem with that - the
entire market of small ot midsize SUVs are this. Worthless off-road,
but nice high up driving position and great in rain and snow.

Great at tipping over in rain or snow?
First off - check out the National Highway Safety site on crash
tests - they recently did a batch of side-impact tests with a
woman and child in the truck.

Ahh I see, he wants to find the biggest deathtrap SUV possible so even if
there is a narrow chance his wife kills herself, its the most likely one.
Good job....
"Econo Shit Box": A slang term hurled by immature SUV / truck owners
against any discussion concerning the crashworthiness of small cars.
The term has the flexibility to also be a loose term of endearment for a
well worn economy car, similar to the label "whooptie."


"If a long train of abuses, prevarications, and artifices, all tending
the same way, make the design visible to the people . tis not to be
wondered that they should then rouse themselves."
- John Locke (1632-1704)
"Econo Shit Box": A slang term hurled by immature SUV / truck owners
against any discussion concerning the crashworthiness of small cars.
The term has the flexibility to also be a loose term of endearment for a
well worn economy car, similar to the label "whooptie."
no, econo shit box, driven by either penny wise and pound foolish
cheapskates, the very young and ill informed or just plain old low
any one with any common sense would know that cares like kias, ford
aspires, neons, echos are just plain unsafe when driven in traffic
with a mix of vehicles
JohnDoe said:
being able to operate any vehicle doesn't qualify anyone as a rocket
scientist, but driving an underpowered, underweight shit box does
qualify the driver as a fool

IMO, fools can't do such thing.
JohnDoe said:
no, econo shit box, driven by either penny wise and pound foolish
cheapskates, the very young and ill informed or just plain old low
any one with any common sense would know that cares like kias, ford
aspires, neons, echos are just plain unsafe when driven in traffic

Actually, Aspires are just fine. They are bolt-for bolt compatable
with most Mazda engines, so all you need to do is swap in a Miata or
simmilar 120-140HP engine. ;)
no, econo shit box, driven by either penny wise and pound foolish
cheapskates, the very young and ill informed or just plain old low
any one with any common sense would know that cares like kias, ford
aspires, neons, echos are just plain unsafe when driven in traffic
with a mix of vehicles

I partially agree with you here. I personally drive an 86 Mitsubishi
Sigma (5th generation Galant/Eterna basically), and while it may be
old, it hugs the road very well, and in my opinion it is quite safe. I
would much prefer to drive my older Sigma than say my brother's 1.3L
Corolla sedan. However, SUVs not driven properly, or driven by people
who don't know how to drive (well), are dangerous. Take the case of
New Zealand rally star Possum Bourne for instance. He was struck by a
SUV on a gravel road at only 60km/h, the SUV had only minor damage
compared to Bourne's Subaru wagon. Bourne suffered brain damage and
Dori said:
Could you explain this automotive term:

"econo shit box"?

It must an Americanism. Or is it a term used when having a problem with
someone's choice of vehicle?


econoshitbox is actually one word, kinda like "algore". Its a car that
is only good for transporting several people around with little luggage
and nothing else. If people want to buy an econoshitbox, thats fine, the
problem comes when others (liberals, socialist...) try to get everyone
to buy one becasue they think its best for you.
Tony said:
The owners/drivers of econo shit box maybe those who know something
about cars and how to drive? As a proof they make them run and they
drive it every day. Not like DUMB shits who drive big SUVs hogging the
road, wasting more non-renewable energy.

So Tony, we can assume your on welfare, right?
Joseph said:
Actually, Aspires are just fine. They are bolt-for bolt compatable
with most Mazda engines, so all you need to do is swap in a Miata or
simmilar 120-140HP engine. ;)

Except they are made by Kia!
JohnDoe said:
being able to operate any vehicle doesn't qualify anyone as a rocket
scientist, but driving an underpowered, underweight shit box does
qualify the driver as a fool

"Underpowered" applies to many Slow Ugly Vehicles as well. Just because
something has a V6 or V8 doesn't mean it can get out of its own way.
MDT said:
So Tony, we can assume your on welfare, right?

Out of all the definitions offered for "econo shit box".... I think mine
has been the most suitable for Websters. ;^)



"If a long train of abuses, prevarications, and artifices, all tending
the same way, make the design visible to the people . tis not to be
wondered that they should then rouse themselves."
- John Locke (1632-1704)
Brad said:
"Underpowered" applies to many Slow Ugly Vehicles as well. Just
because something has a V6 or V8 doesn't mean it can get out of its
own way.

Anyone know if Hilter drove an SUV? ;^)


"If a long train of abuses, prevarications, and artifices, all tending
the same way, make the design visible to the people . tis not to be
wondered that they should then rouse themselves."
- John Locke (1632-1704)

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