MDT said:Nothing, you got it. You just said the SUV by desing is more likely to
roll over. AND I commented by saying a semi is more likely to
jacknife. ;-)
Ok then, the SUV/semi truck comparison is still faulty until you put an
equal number of SUVs pulling trailers and semi-trucks on the road year
round and in all weather conditions. I'll put money on SUVs pulling
trailers having more jackknifes per million miles traveled because SUVs
are lighter, driven faster, and have less skilled drivers who are out to
have fun instead in their own rig vs. driving a company truck for a
living. >:^)
"If a long train of abuses, prevarications, and artifices, all tending
the same way, make the design visible to the people . tis not to be
wondered that they should then rouse themselves."
- John Locke (1632-1704)